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MBTC 9204

MBTC 9204. Roadway Construction & Control Development of a Roadway Construction Control Certification Program. MBTC 9204. This was not intended to be training A review on fundamental surveying computations in preparation for the written portion of the certification was considered prudent

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MBTC 9204

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  1. MBTC 9204 Roadway Construction & Control Development of a Roadway Construction Control Certification Program

  2. MBTC 9204 • This was not intended to be training • A review on fundamental surveying computations in preparation for the written portion of the certification was considered prudent • A manual was developed for reference and review prior to the participants’ enrollment in the course

  3. MBTC 9204 • A written exam will be administered to assure basic surveying calculations can be performed by participants • Safety issues will be addressed per the AHTD Safety Manual

  4. MBTC 9204 • The written examination will ensure competence in the computation of: • Azimuths/bearings and distances from coordinate pairs • Coordinates from azimuths/bearings and distances between points • Horizontal curve elements • Vertical curve elements and elevations • Proper control staking designations

  5. MBTC 9204 • A field certification/performance exam will be required to affirm participants’ capability to locate and properly designate/mark control points required in route surveys

  6. MBTC 9204 • Participants will be required to: • Locate and evaluate existing AHTD control • Locate and properly stake curve elements including PC, PI (if necessary) PT and curve stations • Perform slope/grade staking at designated cross section locations to define drainage structures/ditches, cut & fill and pavement elevations • Locate drainage structures if required

  7. MBTC 9204 • Participants will also be required to provide field notes in an acceptable format • Data for layout will be supplied from plans constructed in AHTD format

  8. MBTC 9204 • Classroom review sessions and written examinations will be conducted at the Engineering Research Center (ERC) in CTTP classrooms • Field work briefings and requirements will be given at ERC

  9. MBTC 9204 • Field work will be performed at the University of Arkansas Agricultural Experimental Station Complex on Highway 112 (Across the bypass from AHTD offices)

  10. MBTC 9204

  11. MBTC 9204

  12. MBTC 9204

  13. MBTC 9204

  14. MBTC 9204

  15. MBTC 9204 • Your handout should include a sample set of plans (for review) and a topographical map of the examination site • Autocad drawings can be furnished to participants in digital format if desired by AHTD to allow loading of data collectors etc.

  16. MBTC 9204 • Control points will be pointed out to the participants and coordinates for the control points given • Participants will be required to locate curve elements of their assigned curve by computing the azimuth between the initial control points and traversing to locate the PC and PT • Curve layout can then be performed from the PC

  17. MBTC 9204 • Locations of the PC, PT and required stationing as located by participants will be verified by the proctors using GPS • Tolerances for error will be established consistent with AHTD requirements

  18. MBTC 9204 • Slope and grade staking will be required on designated cross sections • Proctors will evaluate staking for vertical accuracy using conventional methods • Proctors will also ensure that stake markings follow AHTD protocol

  19. MBTC 9204 • CTTP will supply: • Stakes & Hubs • Flagging • Paint • Job books for field notes • Markers for writing on stakes

  20. MBTC 9204 • Participants must bring the equipment necessary to perform the tasks listed above. As a minimum, participants should bring the following: • Level (Dumpy level, tilting level, automatic level or digital level) • Steel tape for distance measurements (cloth tapes or other tools may be acceptable dependant on the level of accuracy required for particular layout procedures) • Transit or theodolite for horizontal and vertical angle measurements • Scientific calculator with trigonometric functions

  21. MBTC 9204 • Participants should bring the equipment that they work with routinely. The instruments should be in adjustment and in good working order. The performance portion of the certification program could potentially be failed because of poorly adjusted or inoperable equipment.

  22. MBTC 9204 • Total stations, data collectors, laptop computers, and coordinate geometry software is allowed, especially if that is what the participants use on a day-to-day basis. • CTTP will not train participants in the use of equipment or software. It will be assumed that participants are familiar with and trained on the equipment that they bring.

  23. MBTC 9204 • Participants must also provide transportation for equipment and personnel • Participants must also provide personnel necessary to complete field work portion of the course i.e. rod person(s)

  24. MBTC 9204 • The course should be able to be completed in 2 ½ to 3 days • Day one: Review of written exam requirements (morning) and distribution of field assignments with an explanation of requirements/criteria for field work (afternoon) • Day two: Written exam (morning) and preliminary site visit with distribution of final details. Remainder of the day to compile data, perform calculations, load data collectors etc. • Day three: Field exercise/certification

  25. MBTC 9204 • Questions I have for you

  26. MBTC 9204 • What topics and performance criteria other than those listed would AHTD like to have included?

  27. MBTC 9204 • What are pre-requisites and or requirements for participants?

  28. MBTC 9204 • Qualifications/Requirements for attendance: • Participants should be knowledgeable in construction surveying, surveying calculations and layout procedures including: • Coordinate geometry • Horizontal and vertical control • Differential levels • Distance measurement • Angle measurement (horizontal and vertical/zenith)

  29. MBTC 9204 • Qualifications/Requirements for attendance: • Knowledge of • Traversing and traverse closure • Error analysis • Grade calculations • Right of way staking • Slope staking • Grade staking

  30. MBTC 9204 • Qualifications/Requirements for attendance: • Knowledge of • Drainage facility layout • Pipe culverts • Box culverts • Ditches • Curb and gutter • Horizontal curves • Vertical curves • Superelevation • Cut and fill/earthwork calculations

  31. MBTC 9204 • Qualifications/Requirements for attendance: • An engineering degree, surveying degree nor any particular level of education is required but participants must be able to do the mathematics necessary for surveying calculations. This may include plane geometry, trigonometry, algebra and error analysis/statistics.

  32. MBTC 9204 • I am planning to furnish basic materials including stakes, field books, some hand tools (hammers etc) and a review manual of sorts (depth of coverage to be determined). What other materials should be furnished and what if anything else should the participants be required to furnish.

  33. MBTC 9204 • Fee structure?? I will get feedback from CTTP but want input from AHTD • How long should the certification be good for? How often should re-certification be required?

  34. MBTC 9204 • Given that the area surrounding the Agri facility is relatively flat, vertical curve layout and slope and grade staking exercises are somewhat impractical without transporting of participants to an alternate location. This is not desirable from a logistical standpoint. Any suggestions? My thoughts are to use the written examination to evaluate the participants skill in computing vertical curves, grades and possibly associated cut and fill.

  35. MBTC 9204 • Who are we certifying • Crew chief only • Surveying party • How should certification be conferred, i.e. given that a surveying crew of at least two persons is required to perform the tasks in the field, should certification at the field level be based on performance of the crew or should each member of the crew have to act as party chief for each exercise in order to become certified? Individuals can be easily tested for competence in surveying calculations, but performance at the field level is much more difficult and time consuming.

  36. MBTC 9204 • Written Examination Pass/Fail Cutoff • 70% = minimum competency for most exams of this type by NCEES standards • I feel written exam is a necessary part of the certification course to assure some basic knowledge of surveying calculations and procedures • What is your opinion

  37. MBTC 9204 • What is the policy on using local practitioners to help evaluate performance, given the initial lack of trained surveying personnel at the U of A at this time? Would they need to be certified in advance of classes beginning, etc. I also assume that compensation for and use of proctors is essentially up to CTTP.

  38. MBTC 9204 • Field examination criteria • Horizontal specifications for location • Limit of error in location • Traverse closure ? • Vertical specification/tolerance for elevation • Labeling • Note format • Other criteria

  39. MBTC 9204 • Other suggestions? • Ideas? • Critique?

  40. MBTC 9204 • What follows are excerpts from the review session to be completed on the first day of the course. • I will not go into as much detail I normally would in the course but want to show you some of the presentation • Note that I do not particularly like Power Point presentations for review or teaching applications. • In the classroom I will typically use an overhead projector and the blackboard to present example calculations in conjunction with Power Point. If you choose to conduct the training in house I will furnish a complete set of Power Point slides following the general outline of the manual • Questions and comments are welcome at any time

  41. BASIC SURVEYING THEORY AND PRACTICE Presented by the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville College of Engineering Bell Engineering Center Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

  42. Trigonometry Basic knowledge of trigonometry is assumed. However, reference material is available in Chapter 2 of the manual.

  43. Distance Measuring • Chaining • Taping • EDM

  44. Angle Measuring Measuring distances alone in surveying does not establish the location of an object. We need to locate the object in 3 dimensions. To accomplish that we need: 1. Horizontal length (distance) 2. Difference in height (elevation) 3 Angular direction.

  45. Angle Measuring An angle is defined as the difference in direction between two convergent lines. A horizontal angle is formed by the directions to two objects in a horizontal plane. A vertical angle is formed by two intersecting lines in a vertical plane, one of these lines horizontal. A zenith angle is the complementary angle to the vertical angle and is formed by two intersecting lines in a vertical plane, one of these lines directed toward the zenith.

  46. Angle Measuring

  47. Types of Measured Angles Interior anglesare measured clockwise or counter-clockwise between two adjacent lines on the inside of a closed polygon figure. Exterior anglesare measured clockwise or counter-clockwise between two adjacent lines on the outside of a closed polygon figure. Deflection angles, right or left, are measured from an extension of the preceding course and the ahead line. It must be noted when the deflection is right (R) or left (L).

  48. Angles to the rightare turned from the backline in a clockwise or right hand direction to the ahead line.Angles to the leftare turned from the back line in a counter-clock wise or left hand direction to the ahead line.Angles are normally measured with a transit or a theodolite, but a compass may be used for reconnaissance work. Types of Measured Angles

  49. Types of Measured Angles

  50. Comparison of Angular and Linear Errors

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