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THE ART OF LISTENING. … love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to him. Dt 30:20 NIV. THE ART OF LISTENING. Good listening is all about relationship ~ with God and with others. Listening is a skill you can develop. THE ART OF LISTENING.

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  1. THE ART OF LISTENING … love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to him. Dt 30:20 NIV

  2. THE ART OF LISTENING Good listening is all about relationship ~ with God and with others. Listening is a skill you can develop.

  3. THE ART OF LISTENING Today is the Jewish Feast of Purim which was established in the book of Esther. Esther was one of the greatest “listeners” recorded in the Bible and as a result of her ability to listen and to hear, she changed the course of history.

  4. THE ART OF LISTENING “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” Esther 4:15-16 NIV

  5. THE ART OF LISTENING Every crisis is an opportunity for a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God… and His answers will come forth in the process.

  6. THE ART OF LISTENING KNOW that God loves you immeasurably, He is communicating and He wants you to hear His voice!

  7. THE ART OF LISTENING Whenever you encounter a difficult situation ask the Lord ~ what do You want to be in my life and what do You want to do through my life in this situation?

  8. THE ART OF LISTENING Questions to Ponder: • Do you truly desire to hear from God or are you ‘half-eared’ listening? • Has anything hindered your trust in God and interfered with your ability to hear from Him? • How can you plan to quiet the noise in your life so that you are able to listen?

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