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The Fall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of an Empire

The Fall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of an Empire. What caused the roman republic to decline? Why did rome become an empire?. The Decline of the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic began to decline around 133 BCE and eventually collapsed in 27 BCE

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The Fall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of an Empire

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  1. The Fall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of an Empire What caused the roman republic to decline? Why did rome become an empire?

  2. The Decline of the Roman Republic • The Roman Republic began to decline around 133 BCE and eventually collapsed in 27 BCE • After the fall of the Republic, Rome would develop the largest empire before the common era

  3. Causes for the Fall of the Roman Republic • Spread of slavery in the agricultural system • Cheap slave labor took jobs away from the average citizen • Slave uprisings caused political and social disturbances (i.e. Spartacus)

  4. Causes for the Fall of the Roman Republic • Unemployment of small farmers going into cities • Small farms were transformed into large slave plantations, putting many out of work

  5. Causes for the Fall of the Roman Republic • Devaluation of Roman currency • Rapid increase in inflation

  6. Causes for the Fall of the Roman Republic • The power of Julius Caesar • Rome broke out into Civil War

  7. Julius Caesar • Julius Caesar was born ca. 100 BCE and went to establish a career as both a skillful politician and military leader • In 59 BCE, he formed a close allegiance with Pompey (Roman Lieutenant) which enabled him to get elected as consul

  8. Julius Caesar • Next, Caesar allied himself with Crassus (a Roman general and politician) • Crassus was the wealthiest man in Rome and financed many of Caesar’s military and political endeavors • Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus created a partnership together known as The First Triumvirate

  9. Julius Caesar • Crassus died in battle around 56 BCE • Caesar then went to war with Pompey and won • “Venni, Viddi, Vicci”—I came, I saw, I conquered • This caused a civil war

  10. Julius Caesar • Caesar then marched on Rome with his army and declared himself dictator for life • Bringing many reforms in the process (i.e. opened the Senate to more than just Patricians, rebuilt Carthage, relieved debt, etc.) • Caesar served for just one year before he was assassinated

  11. The Ides of March • The Senate was fearful of Caesar, they feared he would destroy the Republic • They assassinated him on March 15, 44 BCE—”Beware of the Ides of March”

  12. Rise of the Roman Empire • Rome broke out into a new civil war after Caesar’s assassination • Caesar was beloved by the Roman masses • Marc Anthony (Caesar’s general) and Octavian (Caesar’s nephew) hunted down the murderers

  13. Rise of the Roman Empire • Shortly after Marc Anthony and Octavian turned towards each other and fought for the power of Rome • Anthony made allies with Egypt and Queen Cleopatra (former lover and baby momma of Caesar)

  14. Rise of the Roman Empire • In 31 BCE, Octavian defeated Marc Anthony and Cleopatra • The Senate renamed Octavian “Augustus”—meaning exalted one • Rome had now turned towards imperialism and Augustus was its first emperor

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