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Organize for Complexity - keynote at Dare Festival 2014 (Antwerp/BE)

Keynote by Niels Pflaeging at Dare Festival Antwerp 2014

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Organize for Complexity - keynote at Dare Festival 2014 (Antwerp/BE)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Antwerp,09.12.2014 DareFestival @NielsPflaeging 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. Localmarkets, highcustomization high dynamics 5

  6. Localmarkets, highcustomization Spaciousmarkets, littlecompetition Sluggish/dull, lowdynamics high dynamics 6

  7. “Outperformers”exercise marketpressureover conventionalcompanies Localmarkets, highcustomization Spaciousmarkets, littlecompetition Sluggish/dull, lowdynamics high dynamics high dynamics 7

  8. 8

  9. Dynamicpartof valuecreation Solution:Man Formalpartof valuecreation Solution:Machine 9

  10. “Outperformers”exercise marketpressureover conventionalcompanies Localmarkets, highcustomization Spaciousmarkets, littlecompetition Sluggish/dull, lowdynamics high dynamics high dynamics Dynamicpartof valuecreation Solution:Man Ageof CraftsManu- facturing Ageof Global Markets IndustrialAge/ Ageof TayloristicIndustry Formalpartof valuecreation Solution: Machine 1970/80today 1850/1900 10

  11. 11

  12. 12

  13. 13

  14. Indústry Retail Itispossible. Servicies Government/ NGOs 14

  15. Market Periphery Center 15

  16. Market Periphery Center Isin charge! 3Decision 2Information 1Impulse 4Command 5Reaction Client 16

  17. Market Periphery Center Servesthe periphery, ifneeded Isin charge! 2Decision 1Impulse 3Reaction Client 17

  18. 18

  19. •  Transparency&Improvement •  Comparisonsbetweenpeers •  Comparisonswithpreviousperiods •  DialogandDissent •  Socialandgrouppressure •  Paybymarketvalue •  ResultsSharing •  … •  Fixed,individualtargets •  ManagementbyObjectives •  BudgetsandPlans •  PerformanceAppraisal •  HierarchicalPressure •  PaybyPositionorPerformance •  IncentivesandBonuses •  … 19

  20. Law §§1Freedomtoact §2Responsibility §3Governance §4PerformanceclimateResultculture §5Success §6Transparency §7Orientation §8Recognition §9Mentalpresence §10Decision-making §11Resourceusage §12Coordination Beta Connectedness Cells Leadership Alpha notDependency notDepartments notManagement notDutyfulfillment notMaximization notPoweraccumulation notTop-downprescription notIncentives notPlanning notBureaucracy notStatus-oriented notCommands Fit Intelligenceflow RelativeTargets Sharing Preparedness Consequence Purpose-driven Marketdynamics 20

  21. 21

  22. TheoryY TheoryX Attitude Peopledislikework, Peopleneedtoworkandwanttotakeaninterest init.Underrightconditions,theyenjoyit Direction Peoplewilldirectthemselves towardsatargetthattheyaccept tomaketherighteffort finditboring,andwillavoiditiftheycan Peoplemustbeforcedorbribed Responsibility Peoplewillseekandacceptresponsibility, undertherightconditions Peoplewouldratherbedirectedthanaccept responsibility, (whichtheyavoid) Motivation Undertherightconditions,peoplearemotivated bythedesiretorealizetheirownpotential Peoplearemotivatedmainlybymoney andfearsabouttheirjobsecurity Creativity Mostpeoplehavelittlecreativity-except whenitcomestogettingroundrules Creativityandingenuityarewidelydistributed andgrosslyunderused 22

  23. Behaviors Context Human Nature 23

  24. 24

  25. ”Meritocracy“ Dresscodes Orgcharts Holidayapplications Paidextrahours BudgetingPlanning Plan-Actualvariances HR PerformanceAppraisal/360° Forecasting Controlofworkhours Allocations Incentives Individualtargets Targetnegotiation Jobtitles SWOTanalysis Salesquotas Forecasting Joursfixes JobDescriptions PayforPerformance Travelpolicies Bonuses MbO Salaryranges CostManagement Strategicplanning CompetenciesManagement Suggestionboxes KnowledgeManagement Trainingbudgets ”PersonnelExpenses“ PersonnelDevelopment AssessmentCenters Earningsguidance 25

  26. 26

  27. 3.Fase„beta“ o“fasedeintegración“ 1.Start-upphase or“Pioneerphase“ Transformacióntipo2: “Profundización“ Transformacióntipo1: “Burocratización“ Transformacióntipo3: “TransformaciónBeta“ 2.Fase„alpha“ o“fasedediferenciación“ Youngorganization Olderorganization 27

  28. 3.Fase„beta“ o“fasedeintegración“ 1.Start-upphase or“Pioneerphase“ Transformacióntipo2: “Profundización“ Transformacióntipo1: “Burocratización“ Transformacióntipo3: “TransformaciónBeta“ 2.Alphaphase or“Differentiationphase“ Youngorganization Olderorganization 28

  29. 3.Betaphase or“Integrationphase“ 1.Start-upphase or“Pioneerphase“ Transformacióntipo2: “Profundización“ Transformacióntipo1: “Burocratización“ Transformacióntipo3: “TransformaciónBeta“ 2.Alphaphase or“Differentiationphase“ Youngorganization Olderorganization 29

  30. 3.Betaphase or“Integrationphase“ 1.Start-upphase or“Pioneerphase“ Type2transformation “Deepening“ Type1transformation: “Bureaucratization“ Type3transformation: “BetaTransformation“ 2.Alphaphase or“Differentiationphase“ Youngorganization Olderorganization 30

  31. Culture 31

  32. FormalStructure 32

  33. InformalStructure 33

  34. ValueCreationStructure 34

  35. Compliance,Power Social Work/ValueCreation FormalStructure InformalStructure ValueCreationStructure 35

  36. 36

  37. 37

  38. www.organizeforcomplexity.com     38

  39. @NielsPflaeging nielspflaeging.com organizeforcomplexity.com betacodex.org slideshare.net/npflaeging 39

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