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Container relationship setup in Oracle

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  1. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics STEP 1: Setup Create a category code for Cartonization Groups structure Inventory Super User -> Setups -> Items -> Categories -> Category Codes •Select Structure Name Cartonization Groups •Enter a category code Assign category code to Cartonized Items and Container Item category sets Inventory Super User -> Setups -> Items -> Categories -> Category Sets

  2. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Create two items to be shipped in container using item template @Finish Goods and assign to WMS enabled organization Inventory Super User -> Inventory -> Items -> Master Items •Create two items “Hammer” and “Drill” and follow steps for both items •Assign to WMS Enabled organization •Set Physical Attributes at organization items level (i.e. Weight 1 Kilogram) Assign category code of the organization items Tools -> Categories •Select category set as Contained Item •Assign category code

  3. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Create an container item and assign to WMS enabled organization Inventory Super User -> Inventory -> Items -> Master Items Enable Container flag in Physical Attributes Tab and Shippable flag in Order Management Tab at master items level. •Assign to WMS Enabled organization •Set Physical Attributes at organization items level. (i.e. Type is Box, Maximum load 20 Kilogram) Assign category code of the organization items Tools -> Categories •Select category set as Container Item •Assign category code

  4. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Setup WMS Organization Parameter to Enable Cartonization Warehouse Manager -> Setup -> Warehouse Configuration -> Warehouse -> Warehouse Parameters •Enable Cartonize Sales Orders Flag •Select Enable Cartonization as “Always cartonize for pick release process”. If you select “Cartonize for pick release process at subinventory level” you have to setup cartonization flag for the subinventory from where you want to pick item. Setup subinventory parameter to enable Cartonization (Optional) Warehouse Manager -> Setup -> Warehouse Configuration -> Warehouse -> Subinventories

  5. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Setup Cartonization Rules (Priority is below item-Container Relationship) Warehouse Manager -> Setup -> Warehouse Configuration -> Rules -> Warehouse Execution -> Rules Workbench ?Select Type as Cartonization (Upper left block) ?Enter new row, select Return value “Mixed Item” and enable Please run concurrent request Generate All Rules Warehouse Manager -> Requests -> Submit Concurrent request “Generate All Rules” STEP 2: Data Preparation Create item on-hand using Miscellaneous Receipt (GUI/Mobile)

  6. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Inventory -> Transactions -> Miscellaneous Transaction -> Miscellaneous Receipt a)Create on-hand of finish goods to be used for pick released and carbonized b)No on-hand required for container to be maintained in warehouse Create a sales order (Destination Warehouse should be WMS enabled) Order Management -> Orders, Returns -> Sales Order Select WMS Destination organization in Others Tab

  7. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Enter order lines. Verify the destination organization from shipping tab, book the order a)Order quantity is 10 Hammers and 15 Drills for testing. We want to pack items in 2 containers (Capacity Limit 20 kg) STEP 3: Diagnostics Test of Cartonization (Item-Container Relationship) Release sales order with Auto Pick Confirm set to “No” Warehouse manager -> Outbound Logistics -> Release Pick Wave

  8. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Set Auto Allocation to “Yes” from Inventory Tab Press Concurrent/Execute Now to start complete release. Verify the completion of concurrent requests. Identify the delivery line details created by pick release process Warehouse manager -> Outbound Logistics -> Shipment Planning & Transactions

  9. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Delivery lines details are not yet spitted. Note the sales order and delivery number. Confirm that task has been created from Warehouse Control Board. Warehouse Manager -> Inquiry -> Warehouse Control Board Enable Outbound flag (Source), task status (Unreleased, pending and queue) flags and enter order number in Outbound tab. Press Find. Verify 3 tasks created due to container capacity (20 Kg)

  10. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Complete the Order picking task from mobile Whse Mgmt -> Tasks -> Outbound -> Manifest Picking -> Enter Order Number ?Verify container name, Quantity and Xfer LPN data (Two separate LPNs for two containers) ?Select Load to complete all tasks, note down LPNs attached to container ?Drop loaded LPNs (Task -> Directed task -> Directed Move -> Drop Loaded LPNs)

  11. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics Confirm that task has been completed from Warehouse Control Board. Warehouse Manager -> Inquiry -> Warehouse Control Board Enable Outbound flag (Source), task status (Loaded, Completed) flags and enter order number in Outbound tab. Press Find. Verify 3 tasks in completed status. Verify the delivery line detail created by pick release process has been split Warehouse manager -> Outbound Logistics -> Shipment Planning & Transactions Click on Details to check other details

  12. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics ?Verify the LPN and shipped quantity ?Note down Delivery number to complete ship confirm process Complete Sales order Ship confirm process Whse Mgmt -> Outbound -> Shipping -> Quick Ship Verify the delivery lines have been interfaced to Receivables for Invoicing Warehouse manager -> Outbound Logistics -> Shipment Planning & Transactions

  13. WMS Cartonization Setup (Contained-Container Relation) & Diagnostics

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