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Benefits and Limiting factors of Orthodontic treatment

Benefits and Limiting factors of Orthodontic treatment

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Benefits and Limiting factors of Orthodontic treatment

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  1. 1 Benefits and limiting factors Benefits and limiting factors of orthodontic treatment of orthodontic treatment Prepared by: Prepared by: Dr. Mohammed Alruby Dr. Mohammed Alruby B Benefits enefits and L and Limiting Factors of Orthodontic treatment imiting Factors of Orthodontic treatment Dr. Mohammed Alruby Dr. Mohammed Alruby

  2. 2 Benefits of orthodontic treatment 1-Resistance to caries and periodontal disease: Straight teeth make it easier to keep mouth clean. Patient with orthodontic treatment demonstrate lower plaque scores. Orthodontic treatment helps to prevent periodontal breakdown as: -Correction of anterior cross bite associated with recession of lower incisors -Correction of deep and traumatic over bite 2-Improved masticatory efficiency: Reduced occlusal contact appear to effect the efficiency of chewing Posterior cross bite in child is associated with a symmetrical muscle activity during chewing correction of class II and III malocclusion following orthognathic surgery, improved masticatory performance in the long term 3-Temporomandibular joint dysfunction: There is no evidence to suggest orthodontic treatment is a risk factor for development of TMD either with or without extraction There is also lack of evidence to support the concept that orthodontic intervention can reduce the signs and symptoms of TMD Occlusal features associated with TMD: anterior open bite, deep over bite, class II and III malocclusion, and posterior cross bite. 4-Improved speech: Speech pattern are established very early in life, before eruption of permanent dentition Some speech problem may relate to anterior open bite and lips but treating malocclusion will not guarantee resolution of problem 5-Prevention of trauma: An increased overjet is a risk factor for trauma to the upper incisors High percentage of class II div 1 incisors relationship present with damaged upper incisors Correction of these cases reduce the amount of damage due to trauma 6-Psychological benefits: Health means: state of complete physical, social, and mental well being Sever malocclusion associated with facial disfigurement such as cleft lip and palate Patient with increased over jet ----- more susceptible to teasing and social problem Malocclusion and need for treatment is associated with poor health related quality of life and orthodontic treatment can result in an improvement Limiting factors to orthodontic treatment a-Factors related to the patients: 1-Medical health: certain medical condition will preclude complex appliance therapy 2-Dental health: excellent oral hygiene and absence of active dental disease is very important requirement for fixed appliances B Benefits enefits and L and Limiting Factors of Orthodontic treatment imiting Factors of Orthodontic treatment Dr. Mohammed Alruby Dr. Mohammed Alruby

  3. 3 3-Age of patient: growth is important to correct skeletal discrepancy, deep over bite can be corrected by using bite plate which allow extrusion of teeth, but it is not stable when occur in adult 4-Patient compliance: the success of treatment depends on good pt compliance but it is difficult measure as using removable appliance and using extra-oral force traction b-Factors related to malocclusion: 1-The more severe skeletal discrepancy, it is harder to correct the underlying malocclusion with orthodontic tooth movement 2-In case of severe skeletal discrepancy, it is difficult to camouflage treatment of tooth movement 3-Tooth size discrepancy prevent reach ideal occlusion 4-Tooth a genesis has implication for space management Orthodontic and dento-alveolar trauma Trauma to the upper labial segment is very common in childhood and often seen in young children with increased over jet complication can occur when applied orthodontic force on these teeth as: -Loss of vitality -Pulpal calcification -Root resorption Prior to treatment, teeth with history of trauma need to be carefully assessed both clinically and radiographically Traumatized tooth should be monitoring during active treatment, repeating radiograph 6 -9 month after communing tooth movement Rest period should be placed on tooth which varies in length and this depend on what injury: 1-Uncomplicated fracture crown: 3 months 2-Subluxation: 3 months 3-Lateral luxation: 3 months 4-Intrusion: 12 months 5-Extrusion: 12 months 6-Re-implantation: 12 months 7-Root fracture: 12 –24 months B Benefits enefits and L and Limiting Factors of Orthodontic treatment imiting Factors of Orthodontic treatment Dr. Mohammed Alruby Dr. Mohammed Alruby

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