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The 8 Questions That Create Perfect Landing Page Copy

Congratulations! Time for WEB Design.<br><br>created by:https://www.rainastudio.com<br><br>Reference: https://neilpatel.com/blog/high-impact-landing-copy/<br><br>Available web design service on fiverr:https://www.fiverr.com/rainastudio

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The 8 Questions That Create Perfect Landing Page Copy

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  1. A Preparatory Timeline THE 8 QUESTIONS THAT CREATE PERFECT LANDING PAGE COPY WHAT’S THE PURPOSE OF MY LANDING PAGE?” Confusion is one of the great conversion killers. The more you ask your prospects to consider, the more likely they are to end up doing nothing at all. “WHAT, PRECISELY, AM I OFFERING MY PROSPECTS?” Lack of clarity is also one of the great conversion killers. Every extra second your prospects have to think in order to understand your offer increases the chance that they’ll get irritated and move on to your competitor. “HOW WILL MY PROSPECTS BENEFIT FROM WHAT I’M OFFERING THEM?” Your prospects are busy, and they are not going to spend several minutes trying to figure out what your offer will do for them. “WHAT DO MY PROSPECTS NEED TO KNOW IN ORDER TO ACCEPT MY OFFER?” Is there any important information that’s critical to the offer – special circumstances they need to be aware of or maybe an incentive that will make them act now “HAVE I GIVEN MY PROSPECTS A GOOD REASON TO ACCEPT MY OFFER?” Transfer, sell, or close? Read your copy and make sure that you’ve covered the most important selling points, features and benefits. If there’s anything you’ve left out – you know what you need to do! Infographics are visual representations of data, making complex info easier to share and digest. When making your own, simply organize your images, charts, and text. Finally, cite your sources. “HAVE I SUMMARIZED THE STRONGEST SELLING POINT/POINTS IN THE TITLE?” Your title is the most prominent part of your landing page. Moreover, it’s the one part of your copy you can be 99.9% sure your prospects will read. “IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN LEAVE OUT?” Some landing pages work best with a lot of copy – others with very little copy. But one thing is for sure: no landing page works with too much copy! “WILL THE DESIGN SUPPORT THE COPY? Design and copy go hand in hand. The presentation of the landing page has a huge impact on the copy and to which extent it will be read. So make sure that both copy and design support each other and the goal of your landing page. CONGRATULATIONS! TIME FOR WEB DESIGN. CREATED BY: WWW.RAINASTUDIO.COM REFERENCE: HTTPS://NEILPATEL.COM/BLOG/HIGH- IMPACT-LANDING-COPY/ AVAILABLE WEB DESIGN SERVICE ON FIVERR: WWW.FIVERR.COM/RAINASTUDIO

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