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Simple Copy _ Paste Side Hustle

The Simple Copy & Paste Method I Used To<br>Turn

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Simple Copy _ Paste Side Hustle

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  1. This Document Reveals… The Simple Copy & Paste Method I Used To Turn 3 Hours Into $769.10 …Without Any Skill , And Without ANY Cost! © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD. Document written / created by Mark Bishop of KleverSystems. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Legal Disclaimer… The information contained within this document is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply any of the ideas contained in this document, you agree to take full responsibility for your actions. This document is written and created by KleverSystems, as such any results, income, profit, proof, testimonials, strategies, and systems which might be expressed, depicted, explained or shown are those of / belong to the author (I.e. The term ‘I’ refers to the author, and what he made). The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information within this document was correct at time of publication. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence, or any other cause. E.G $993.31 Total Over 7 Days… $769.10 Made By Simply Copying, Pasting & Sharing… For FREE. Full details below. Click here for more results > © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  2. $993.31 In 7 days In total I made $993.31 in affiliate commission from the product shown in the screenshot above over a 7 day period, all for free. Full details on affiliate marketing / commission, and how to use this system yourself below. And… $769.10 For 3 Hours… FREE The screenshot below shows the $769.10 I made from simply copying, pasting & then sharing… which took me around 3 hours in total, and didn’t cost me a cent to do. I’ll show you how anyone can do this. Click here for more results > Results are taken from my own account, and are verified through publicly posting and tagging the product owner. For this project the product owner is: Jeremy Kennedy And the product was called: RUSHHH See public post below. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  3. Note: The amount I (or anyone else) can make in a week using the system detailed in this document varies (it is never exactly the same), read below to see the variables, how it works & what to look out for. Click here for more results > RUSHHH is Just 1 Example… $769.10 from *RUSHHH (*name of the product), for free (which took just 3 hours)… Is just 1 example of the 1000s in results achieved using This Simple Copy, Paste & Share Process, there © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  4. are more examples of actual results shown in this document… But first let me tell you how you can use this simple & unique system to create your own side income, or even a job replacing income, working just a few hours per week from home. Access The Full Instructions Here Skills & Costs In order to do what I do. I.e. make money from digital products by copying and pasting parts of the products existing sales material, and then sharing on totally free platforms which have massive amounts of targeted traffic… You WILL need the following: You will need to be able to follow simple instructions. You will need an internet connection. You will need a free Google Account. You will need the ability to copy and paste. You will need to allow 1 - 3 hours per project. Ideally you should have access to a smartphone. You’ll find it easier to do if you can read and write English. Here’s what you won’t need… You will NOT need any of the following: You will NOT need any experience or skill (apart from the ability to copy and paste) to do this. You will NOT need an email list or subscribers to do this. You will NOT need a website, landing page or any other kind of web page to do this. And you will NOT need to invest any money to implement this system. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  5. How It Works… How You Make Money. The process I use is a unique type of *Affiliate Marketing (*explained below) which makes money by referring 1 digital product at a time, but at the same time having the potential to get paid from multiple products, without doing anything else for those extra payments. I.e I embed 1 link for 1 product along with the copied and pasted material. But I can, and usually do get paid for multiple products as the example below shows. Please note the screenshot above. This is a breakdown of the money I made using This System. In total I received $993.31 in commission from this product. I made $501.34 (underlined in red) from the main offer which my affiliate link forwards to (I.E link destination). © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  6. The additional $491.97 was received as a result of some people purchasing the main offer, and then purchasing additional ‘Connected’ products. Yet I didn’t have to lift another finger to make this additional income, and you can do this too… The following explainer will explain how and why. Or… Click Here To Get Started Now. Explainer: The basics Let's start with the basics… Read these basics if you are not sure what being an affiliate entails… Or skip if you do. First… What is affiliate marketing? The following summary & this system is specific to digital products only, I.e. products only available to access online and to download I.e. courses, training, software, video etc. Affiliate marketing in its simplest form (and for this system) is where you act as a ‘middleman’ putting yourself between potential customers and a product those potential customers may be interested in, resulting in earned commission (I.e. money paid to the affiliate) from subsequent sales of the product. That may sound grand or even complicated, but it isn’t, the only thing you as an affiliate need is one link called an affiliate link (or Hoplink). As an affiliate for a digital product, all you have to do is share your affiliate link with people who may be interested in the product. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  7. Which when clicked, and subsequently results in a sale, pays you (the affiliate) a percentage of everything the customer spends… which can often amount to 100s of dollars from one customer… View More Examples Here Can I be an affiliate? Yes you can, anyone can be an affiliate, and with many platforms and offers, becoming an affiliate is really simple and takes just a few minutes. Will it cost me anything to be an affiliate? Most affiliate programs are totally free to join. I only ever use the free to join affiliate platforms. What is affiliate commission? Affiliate commission is the percentage amount of the sale. I.e. however much a customer spends on the product, and connected products, you as an affiliate will receive a percentage. The average commission percentage for digital products is 50%. Which means if one customer spends $400 you would receive $200 (less fees). Do I need Experience or Certain Skills? Anyone can make money as an affiliate. You don’t need experience or specific skills. You just need to copy and implement a method that is proven to work… This one for example. How do I get paid for multiple products When… I Only Promote 1? Most digital products consist of multiple products, this is called a funnel, collectively the funnel is an offer. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  8. So while your affiliate link may look like it is only linking to one product (the main product) it is actually linked to the offer which usually consists of multiple products. How do I get paid? The method of payment will depend on the platform. The platform I use most of the time pays all commission into my account wallet instantly, which I can then withdraw directly to my bank account, or PayPal as shown below. Click here for full instructions. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  9. How Much Can I Make As An Affiliate? Well the sky really is the limit when it comes to how much money you can make promoting digital products as an affiliate like I do. E.G. Over $412,000 Paid To Me For example the 3 account screenshots shown below total over $412,000 in affiliate commission paid to me from just 1 platform. These are just 3 accounts on the same platform, I have several more affiliate accounts on other platforms. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  10. So… What’s The Secret To Making Money like this as an affiliate? Well… It’s NOT What You Think… Most people would agree that $412,000 in affiliate commission is a lot of money. And when you consider that I worked in the construction industry for most of my working life, and that I have no technical background, then it’s astounding (at least for me it is). Making 100s, even 1000s of extra dollars each week isn’t about who you are. It’s not about email lists, or websites, or how many followers you have. Of course, those things will help you make more, but you don’t need any of them. And it’s not even about how much money you can throw at it. The real secret (if you can call it that) is: How you do it… © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  11. For Example What Does Competition Mean? If you’re a beginner and you do what everyone else does, and what most people tell you to do… Then competition usually means… You’ll be very lucky to make a single dollar because you’re competing with everyone else, everyones doing the same, and many of those affiliates are going to be a lot better at it than you are. But…  If you do things differently ‘Like This’ I.e. the way we do it, then… Competition Works For Us. In fact if you Take a Look at This you’ll quickly see why we love Competition because. The More Competition There Is… The More Money We Can Make Why? With the system detailed in this report we can use massive competition to our advantage, I say ‘we’ because anyone can do this, even complete beginners can do it… See for yourself. When 100’s & 100s of affiliates are promoting the same product they are spreading the word, building excitement around a product. They are creating a massive Buzz, and Awareness… They’re creating a wave of interest… Which means we don’t have  to do any of the normal affiliate, product promotion stuff, because our competition has already done it all for us… © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  12. All we have to do is swoop in & scoop up a bunch of commission payments on the back of the work and effort of others. Check here to see how much I’m making doing this. Copy, Paste, Share With this system, which we call CPS (short for Copy, Paste, Share)... We utilise parts of the products' sales material. And we capitalise on the efforts of other affiliates all promoting the same product, and all doing the same thing. This is exactly what I did to make the $769 I showed you at the beginning of this report, and it’s exactly what I did to make the 1000s of dollars in affiliate commission below. And everything is ‘Pure Profit’ because it doesn’t cost me anything to implement CPS. Legalities & Ethics. Just in case you were wondering: what I do with CPS is totally legal and ethical, If it wasn’t then the people who own the products I’ve been making money from wouldn’t be happy, and they certainly wouldn't be liking, and commenting on my public result posts either. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  13. How Often Can I Do This? Usually when I show people this system for the first time, then show them how easy it is to do, and then show them the results I’m getting doing this… like the account screenshots below… They say “I’m going to do this several times a day”. And if that’s something you want to do, then you can. Click here if you’re a beginner. There are NO limitations, and because there are 1000s of digital products to promote, and because implementing this simple method is free… You really can do this as often as you like… Which means results like the ones below could be closer than you think. Click here to view full details. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  14. The image above shows $532.41 affiliate commission I made from a digital product called ‘Free Ai Money, received over a 7 day period for around 3 hours of my time. The image below shows the $401.92 in affiliate commission received over 7 days from a digital product called TikBank. I Used This… And it took me under 3 hours to achieve. Click here to view full details. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  15. The image below shows the $808.98 affiliate commission payments I made from a digital product called ‘Traffic Zion’. The total income shown for this project was received over 14 days, but it only took me around 4 hours to create With This. Click here to view full details. Access The Full CPS Instructions Here The image below shows the $145.35 affiliate commission I made from a digital product called ‘FU Money’. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  16. While you might consider $154.35 a small amount compared to some of the other results I’ve shown you, the time it took me to achieve still makes me chuckle. I followed These Instructions, and It took me Less Than 40 Minutes to create this project from start to finish. Which works out at roughly $3.86 per minute. Or $145.35 in Under 40 Minutes! Click here to follow the same instructions. Click here to view full details. So the obvious question is… Do you want to start doing the very same thing today? © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  17. If you said Yes… Then here’s what you need to do. Steps: As I mentioned previously the system I’ve been using to make the affiliate commission I’ve shown you in this report is called CPS, you can see the full system here. CPS is an abbreviation of Copy, Paste, Share, because that’s all I’ve been doing to get paid affiliate commission from the products I’ve mentioned in this report, and it’s all you will need to do too. Step 1: Copy? In order for any digital product to sell online the owner / creator of that product needs to create sales material, I.e. sales pages, videos, affiliate JV pages, and often JV documents, because without this sales material the product would never sell. All I do is capitalise on what the product owner has already created. I.e. The product owner has already done most of the work for us. I simply copy 5 elements from the existing sales material ready to use in step 2… Click here for full details. Step 2: Paste? Next I paste the copied elements taken from the product sales material into my CPS instruction document in sequence (don’t worry, this is super simple). I use a free Google drive for this part, but you could use Microsoft Office instead if you prefer. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  18. Then once I have added in the 5 copied elements, I embed my affiliate link throughout the instruction document & save ready for step 3… Click here for full details. Step 3: Share? This is, in most people's opinion, the light bulb part of the process. Why? Because most of the people I’ve shown the CPS system to had been trying to make some extra money online for a long time with little to no success. Many of them had purchased product after product and still failed to make that elusive online income. And the number 1 reason so many of them had failed to find any consistent success was because they weren’t able to find or drive traffic (visitors)... I.e. If nobody sees your offer, product, or link then nobody can buy anything from you, or click your affiliate link. In order to succeed you need traffic. But the reality is… Most people don’t have an email list. Most people don’t have followers. Most people don’t want to spend ages learning SEO. And most don’t want to start throwing money at paid traffic. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  19. Solution… What I’ve Been Doing. So, based on the assumption that you don’t have an email list, followers, or an interest in SEO. And you don’t want to pay any money to get visitors to your offers and links. This is what I’ve been doing with CPS. And it’s something you can do too… LOOK. All I do is share the CPS instructions on a number of totally free to use MASSIVE traffic platforms, which combined have a reputed daily visitor number of: Over 1.75 Million Visitors! That’s 1.75 Million Visitors Per DAY!!! Yet it doesn't cost me a single cent to use these platforms when I use This. Let's be clear though… The fact that these platforms combined receive over 1.75 million visitors per day doesn’t mean that’s how many visitors I get, or how many you would get. The truth is I might only get a few hundred visitors over a couple of days because I’m new to these platforms. But that’s a few hundred ‘Targeted’ visitors that I didn’t have before, which I didn’t have to work to acquire, and which I didn’t have to pay to get, and that's all I need… …It only takes a few of these visitors to make me a healthy amount of affiliate commission. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

  20. And I’m doing it all for free… You can do the same today, click the following link for the full step by step instructions. Access The Full CPS Instructions Here Reminder: you don’t need any skills to use CPS, and when I say it’s free to implement, I do mean it’s free to implement. Just click the link, follow the instructions, and then Copy, Paste & Share like I do. This document was written by Mark Bishop. All income, and earnings shared in this document were achieved and belong to Mark Bishop & KleverSystems. All statements made are those of the author. © Copyright KleverSystems | IKKONIK LTD.

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