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Click each slide to move forward through the presentation. AICA REGISTRATION. Quick Review. AICA Registration Only (Traditional fees apply). Choose the Registration Only option and you will receive the following:. Registration certificate only Ownership information

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  3. AICA Registration Only (Traditional fees apply) Choose the Registration Only option and you will receive the following: • Registration certificate only • Ownership information • EPD numbers on dam, sire and calf if available. AICA RegistrationOnly does not include the input of performance data.

  4. AICA Performance Plus (Traditional fees apply) Choose the Performance Plus option and you will receive the following: • Registration certificate • Ownership information • EPD numbers on dam, sire and registered calf if available. • Input of all performance data submitted • Pre-printed forms and performance reports

  5. AICA Whole Herd Rewards (Dam based fee structure) Choose the Whole Herd Rewards option and you will receive the following: • Registration certificate • Ownership information • EPD numbers on dam, sire and registered and unregistered calves if available. • Input of all performance data submitted • Pre-printed forms and performance reports

  6. Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet

  7. Question: I calve in both the spring and fall, I have already used my Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet on my spring group. How do I get another Registration Form? Answer: Just call, fax or e-mail a request for another form. Calves previously registered will be listed with their mothers. Newer versions of the form have a check box to request the form again. Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet

  8. Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet

  9. Question: Is it possible to use the Registration Form andWeaning Worksheet if I need signatures on out-of herd bulls? Answer: Make arrangements to have the owner of the sire send, fax or e-mail the Association with permission to use the bull. AICA will electronically store the signature and use it on calves being registered at any time. This will eliminate the need to send the registration form to the bull owner. Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet

  10. Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet Answer: ET calves are registered as always. Blank multiple forms are available. Question: What about registering ET calves?

  11. Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet Answer: No For WHR members ET calves cost $12.00 per registration and receive one free transfer. Question: Do ET calves cost more to register?

  12. Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet Answer: The $12.00 you paid to enroll that cow will cover the registration of any calf she has this year. You must submit the registration number on the recipient at the time you register the calf. Question: My recipient cows are enrolled Charolais females. What will the fee be to register her ET calf?

  13. Guidelines for creating contemporary groups: (as recommended by the Beef Improvement Federation – BIF) *** managed the same *** weighed on the same day

  14. Days in age limits: • Weaning weights: *140 – 270 • Yearling Weights: * 270 – 430 (must have at least 70 days between weigh dates) (*BIF guidelines)

  15. Performance & Registration Progress Report (weaning and yearling)

  16. Performance & Registration progress report Answer: Basic contemporary group guidelines allow for some exception. Question: Why didn’t the calves I submitted together, index together?

  17. EXCEPTIONS!!! Always in a single animal group: (index will be 100) • ET calves • Twins

  18. Performance & Registration progress report Answer: Animals must remain in the same contemporary group at yearling as they were in at weaning. Question: I want to report animals in one large yearling group from several smaller weaning groups.

  19. Expected Progeny Differences… • EPD with Accuracy figures • Non – parent EPDS • Interim EPDs • Pedigree estimated EPDs

  20. EPDs with an Accuracy • EPDs are figured for the Association by the University of Georgia. • Based the animal’s own performance plus performance records of progeny and relatives. • Higher accuracy figures mean more reliable EPD numbers. • Will be used to estimate for progeny.

  21. Back solution EPDs • EPDs are based on the animal's own performance record and relatives. No progeny records are used in a back solution EPD. • Individual performance records must be part of a contemporary group larger than one animal. • University of Georgia calculates these numbers for AICA. • Will be used to estimate for progeny.

  22. Interim EPD • EPD is calculated at AICA and used between Georgia runs. • Animal’s own performance record plus the EPDs of the dam and sire are used to generate an Interim EPD. • Animal must have a valid performance record within a contemporary group greater than one. • Will not be used to estimate progney EPDS.

  23. Pedigree Estimated EPD • Simply an average of the dam and sire’s EPD. • No performance data on the individual animal is used. • Will not be used to estimate progeny EPDS.

  24. Charsonline.com

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