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Top 5 Characteristics of ideal Employees

Top 5 Characteristics of ideal Employees. resources. http://pattyinglishms.hubpages.com/hub/Top_5_Characteristics#. Characteristics of an ideal Employee. 1. Dependability 2. Honesty & Integrity 3. Positive, Proactive Attitude 4. Willing to Work 5. Uses Down Time Productively.

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Top 5 Characteristics of ideal Employees

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  1. Top 5 Characteristics of ideal Employees

  2. resources • http://pattyinglishms.hubpages.com/hub/Top_5_Characteristics#

  3. Characteristics of an ideal Employee 1. Dependability 2. Honesty & Integrity 3. Positive, Proactive Attitude 4. Willing to Work 5. Uses Down Time Productively

  4. Dependability 1. Consistently Stable in Mood at Work – The employer, the coworkers, and the customers know what to expect and trust the employee. 2. Always Follows Directions – Also willing to learn new tasks, new methods of working, and new company updates and apply them. 3. Consistently Accurate 4. Works Independently 5. Gets Along with Peers, Management, Executive Staff, and Clients or Customers

  5. 6. Maintains Good Grooming and Hygiene, according to general rules and company policies 7. Always On Time to Work and returns promptly from breaks 8. Maintains Good Attendance – Does not take off all their sick time because they have unused sick days. Calls in early when ill and in emergencies when needing time off 9. Cooperative, but asks good Questions, and offers Suggestions when appropriate 10. Shows a Proactive and Interested Attitude 11. Works as a Team Player

  6. Honesty and integrity • Working more slowly than the standard pace. • Working quickly and haphazardly, creating errors. • Doing coworkers’ work for them in order to buy friendship. • Having coworkers clock in for them when late. This is usually illegal as well. • Pilfering work-related supplies and equipment. • Extending breaks and rest room visits to waste time. • Completing personal tasks on the job, using company equipment and supplies, including the telephone and Internet

  7. Proactive, positive attitude Attitudes – project your beliefs and values, and what you think of your job, coworkers and boss, It is shown in the quality of your work. The boss is aware of your individual attitudes at work and is watching them every day. They are as important as the work that you product. A “positive” attitude does not always mean “Happy”, but it is better to be upbeat at work rather than brooding and angry, “Positive” can also mean proactive, which means you go after things and don’t wait for them to come to you (using initiative).

  8. attitudes • Good attitudes: Smiles Good posture Pleasant tone of voice Complaining through proper channels, while offering ideas for improvement Respect and courtesy Managing conflict and anger Good job performance Interested in others • Bad attitudes: Blank facial expression or a frown Slumping in chairs, leaning on walls Sarcasm, unmodulated voice, mumbling Complaining on the work floor Trash talking about the company to coworkers; enabling bad attitudes among others Displaying anger inappropriately Substandard job performance Ignoring people at work

  9. Willing to work Ability and Desire to Communicate – Organizing and present your thoughts clearly. Intelligence – Showing common sense and the ability and desire to learn. Self Confidence – Showing assertiveness and initiative. Accepting Responsibility – Takes on new challenges, admits mistakes and fixes them. Leadership – Being a good example, taking charge. High Energy Level. Imagination. Flexibility – Adaptable, accepts changes. Gets along with others. Handles Conflict Sets and Achieves Goals – Continuous improvement. Has personal direction. Occupational Skills – Able to do the job and accept new training

  10. Uses down time productively • Read trade journals and magazine articles about your company and the industry in which you work. • Read about current trends in your industry on the Internet. • As for, or find, new tasks to do; help someone else. • Think of a better way to do something in your job or in the company • Clean and organize your work area. • Update your filing systems, clean out old email messages, etc. • Write an article about your job or your industry and share it with your boss. • Take an online class that is relevant to your job. Some of these are free of charge.

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