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this unit shows how to make subjects agree with their verbs. if you are unsure about what a subject or verb is, you sho

Subject Verb Agreement. Definition:Subject-verb agreement refers to the concept that a singular subject should have a singular verb and a plural subject should have a plural verb.Disagreement occurs when this model is not followed.. Subject Verb Agreement Singular Example. Example:The girl in the mirror sees the man in the moon..

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this unit shows how to make subjects agree with their verbs. if you are unsure about what a subject or verb is, you sho

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    1. This unit shows how to make subjects agree with their verbs. If you are unsure about what a subject or verb is, you should look at the subject verb identification unit before you look at this unit.

    3. Subject Verb Agreement Singular Example Example: The girl in the mirror sees the man in the moon.

    4. Example: The girls in the mirror see the man in the moon. Subject Verb Agreement Plural Example

    5. Verb Law Any verb ending in –s is singular. No exceptions.

    6. Subject and Complement RULE 1: The verb agrees with the subject and not the complement.

    7. Subject Complement Singular Example RULE 1 Example: Our hope is our children.

    8. Subject Complement Plural Example RULE 1 Example: Our children are our hope.

    9. Prepositional Phrases RULE 2: Prepositional phrases have no effect on the verb.

    10. Prepositional Phrase Example RULE 2 Example: One of the students was tired looking.

    11. Different Order RULE 3: Inverted word order doesn’t affect the verb form. If it would have been singular with traditional word order, it will continue to be singular.

    12. Different Order (Inverted) Example RULE 3 Example: There are the cars.

    13. Different Order (Question) Example RULE 3 Example: How have they done on the exams?

    14. Indefinite Pronouns RULE 4: The indefinite pronouns on the next screen are singular and require singular verbs.

    15. Indefinite Pronouns cont. RULE 4 Continued: Indefinite pronouns that require singular verbs:

    16. Indefinite Pronouns Example RULE 4 Example: Each of the students has finished the homework.

    17. Quantity Subjects RULE 5: Indefinite pronouns, such as some, half, most and all take singular or plural verbs , depending on whether they mean “how much” or “how many” of something.

    18. Singular Quantity Subjects RULE 5 cont.: IF they mean “how much,” they take singular verbs.

    19. Singular Quantity Subjects Example RULE 5 “how much” Example: Most of the dog food has been eaten.

    20. Plural Quantity Subjects RULE 5 cont.: IF they mean “how many,” they take plural verbs.

    21. Plural Quantity Subjects Example RULE 5 “how many” Example: Most of hot dogs have been eaten.

    22. Plural-Looking Subjects RULE 6: Certain subjects look plural in form, but are singular in meaning and take a singular verb.

    23. Plural-Looking Subjects cont. RULE 6 Continued: Plural seeming words that require singular verbs:

    24. Plural-Looking Subjects Example RULE 6 Example: Physics is incredibly difficult.

    25. Time, Weight, and Measurement RULE 7: A unit of time, weight, measurement, or money will usually require a singular verb because it is thought of as a single unit.

    26. Time, Weight, and Measurement Example RULE 7 Example: Six dollars is all I can spare.

    27. Group Words RULE 8: Nouns that signify a collective or a group will usually require a singular verb because the group is thought of as a single unit.

    28. Group Words Example RULE 8 Example: The student body supports an increase in homework.

    29. “And” connects Multiple Subjects RULE 9: Two subjects joined by “and” are plural and require a plural verb.

    30. “And” connects Multiple Subjects Example RULE 9 Example: Bob and Jim have wanted more homework for years.

    31. “Each,” “Every,” and “Any” before Multiple Subjects RULE 10: When each, every, or any is used before subjects, the subjects require a singular verb.

    32. “Each,” “Every,” and “Any” before Multiple Subjects Example RULE 10 Example: Every student and faculty member wants more homework.

    33. “Or” connects two Singular RULE 11: Two singular subjects joined by “or” or “nor” are singular and require a singular verb.

    34. “Or” connects two Singular Example RULE 11 Example: Either the dog or the cat has ruined the carpet.

    35. “Or” connects Singular and Plural RULE 12: If both a singular and plural subject are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb form is determined by the subject that is closest to the verb.

    36. “Or” connects Singular and Plural Example RULE 12 Plural Subject Closest Example: Either the boy or his dogs were at the park.

    37. “Or” connects Singular and Plural cont. RULE 12 Singular Subject Closest Example: Either the dogs or the boy was at the park.

    38. Check your knowledge To further master this concept, click below for a quiz: Subject Verb Agreement Quiz

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