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PowerPoint 1: Government and Democracy

PowerPoint 1: Government and Democracy. What is government?. The role of government is to make decisions and enforce laws for people living within its borders, and to provide services to protect its citizens.

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PowerPoint 1: Government and Democracy

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  1. PowerPoint 1: Government and Democracy

  2. What is government? • The role of governmentis to make decisionsand enforce lawsfor people living within its borders, and to provide servicesto protect its citizens. • In Canada, there is a government for the whole country, one for each province/territory, and one for each community.

  3. How do governments compare? Governments around the world differ from one another and they can be compared by asking the following questions: a) Who holds power? b) How do they get to be in power? c ) What rights and freedoms do people have?

  4. Dictatorship • A dictatorship= one person is the leader • The dictatoroften comes to power through a military takeover. • Power is then maintained without the permission of the people through a one-party state where political opposition is forbidden. • Citizens have few rights and freedoms.

  5. Oligarchy • Anoligarchy = a few people have power. • Political power is shared by a small group of people, usually the rich. • Citizens have some rights and freedoms. • An oligarchy can also be a dictatorship.

  6. Democracy • A democracy = all citizens have a say in determining the government and have a voice through their elected representatives. • There are free and fair elections, and citizens can run for political office. • The rights and freedoms of citizens are protected (e.g., the right to vote, freedom of speech and expression).

  7. Canada’s Government • Canada is a democracyand a constitutional monarchy. • We elect people to represent us in our governments and to make decisions on our behalf. • Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth (along with 52 other countries) and is connected to the Crown. The Queen of England is also Canada’s Queen. • The Queen accepts all decisions made by the Government of Canada, but she continues to play an important ceremonial and symbolic role.

  8. Final Thoughts • What would your life be like without a government? • What are the pros and cons of each type of government? • Would you prefer to live in a dictatorship or a democracy? Why?

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