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MEDEVAC 101. Helipad Operations UH-60 Blackhawk. By SGT Mark Urquhart. Today's flight crew. Pilot in command: Co-pilot: Crew chief: Flight medic:. References. FM 8-10-6: Medical Evacuation in the Theatre of Operations 112 th MEDCO (AA): SOP’s. Outline. Terminology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MEDEVAC 101 Helipad Operations UH-60 Blackhawk By SGT Mark Urquhart

  2. Today's flight crew.. • Pilot in command: • Co-pilot: • Crew chief: • Flight medic:

  3. References • FM 8-10-6: Medical Evacuation in the Theatre of Operations • 112th MEDCO (AA): SOP’s

  4. Outline.. • Terminology • Safety on the helipad. • Approaching the helicopter. • Moving around the helicopter. • Unloading the helicopter. • Preparing for outbound transfers. • Loading the helicopter. • Re-supply.

  5. Questions ?

  6. Establish a team leader. Maintain light discipline towards aircraft. Wear PPE =goggles + medical gloves + hearing protection for all personnel. Secure all uniform items. Ensure NOTHING extends above eye level at any time. Await guidance from flight crew. Walk orderly. Work as a team. Safety on the helipad..

  7. Terminology • Clock position from center of the main rotor; nose=12, right=3,tail = 6, left=9. • Rotor arc ; anyplace inside of the turning blades. • Carousel ; structure inside the cabin that supports the litter pans. • Litter pan ; structures attached to the carousel that hold the patient litters.

  8. Approaching the helicopter.. • Only after guidance from the flight crew. • TO and FROM = 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock.

  9. Moving around the helicopter.. • Only after guidance from the flight crew. • NEVER GO REAR OF THE CABIN DOORS. • Remain as a team. • Remain within an arms length of the nose while moving from side to side.

  10. Questions ?

  11. Unloading the helicopter.. • Ambulatory personnel off first. • The flight crew will rotate the carousel. • The flight crew will tilt the litter pan if needed. • Team leader should confirm team assignments = ie.the tallest and strongest get the head end of the litter. • Work as a team.

  12. Unloading continued.. • Flight crew must move transition equipment ie. (O2, IV’s, BVM, Ventilator, Pleuravac, Propaq, External pacer) with the patient as the litter team unloads the patient. • Unload inline of the litter pan, then assemble within an arms reach of the nose of the aircraft as a team if exiting the rotor arc from the opposite side if the aircraft. • Depart at the 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock as directed by the flight crew.

  13. Preparing for outbound transfers.. • Ensure patient is on a NATO litter as a secure package ie.(bandages, blankets, transition equipment, documentation/ records,). • Nothing wider than the litter nor much higher than the patient. • Hearing protection in place.

  14. Loading the helicopter.. • Wait for the flight crew to come outside of the rotor arc to receive a patient transfer brief and documentation/ records from the team leader. • Reciprocal of unloading.

  15. Re-supply.. • Important that the helicopter be able to respond to the next medevac mission ASAP. • Requested supplies improve our readiness. • NBC litters with retractable handles make a big difference in the flight crews ability to perform in-flight treatments. • NBC litters allow the carousel to rotate more efficiently.

  16. Review.. • Terminology • Safety on the helipad. • Approaching the helicopter. • Moving around the helicopter. • Unloading the helicopter. • Preparing for outbound transfers. • Loading the helicopter. • Re-supply

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