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Hiatus Hernia Surgery and Procedures

If you are looking for a female surgeon for Hiatus Hernia Repair Surgery then Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker is one of the best surgeon in Mumbai

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Hiatus Hernia Surgery and Procedures

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  1. Hiatus Hernia Surgery and Procedures

  2. Hiatus hernia or the hiatal hernia is a common condition leading to gastro-esophageal reflux, commonly called as GERD. Hiatal hernia is a condition when the barrier between the food-pipe and the stomach becomes less competent and the stomach acid refluxes in esophagus. The stomach slips through the diaphragm causing hiatal hernia. This type of hernia is called as a sliding hiatus hernia and usually does not cause any problems but some studies have shown its effects of GERD too. Since the anti-reflux barrier becomes more open and weaker, acid reflux and the problems associated with it become more common in patients. Hiatal Hernia Surgery in Mumbai will be coming with an convenient cost and also looking upon the paitent condition too. Small hiatal hernias are not a cause of concern but if the opening in the diaphragm becomes too large then there is a risk that the stomach and other organs can slide upwards into the chest. This could result in severe symptoms like chest pain, trouble in swallowing or breathing, heartburn, GERD etc. Untreated severe hiatus hernia can also cause ulcers in stomach, bleeding and even anaemia. If you are looking for a female surgeon for Hiatus Hernia Repair Surgery then Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker is one of the best surgeon in Mumbai

  3. Symptoms and problems that hiatus hernia may cause include • Burning or acid taste in the mouth • Chronic iron deficiency • Poor exercise tolerance as the pushing stomach against the chest limits the body’s ability to breath normally and pump oxygen. • Chronic coughing • Worsening of asthma • Belching • Fatigue • Change in voice • Early satiety which means feeling full after a small amount of food • Regurgitation

  4. There are four types of Hiatus hernia Type 1 to Type IV. Type 1 does not cause any symptoms but type II, III, or IV hiatal hernia cause severe and sometimes unmanageable symptoms. • Treatment for Hiatus hernia • Gastroenterologists use different diagnostic tests to diagnose hernia. These include barium swallow, X-rays, CT scan, upper GI endoscopy and pH manometry. In uncomplicated hernia lifestyle changes, regular meal timings, healthy diet and anti-reflux medications can help. • Hiatus hernia surgery • There are two types of surgeries that surgeons use for treatment hiatus hernia • Open surgery: This is an invasive surgery which is done under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision around the abdomen and then gently pushes all organs back to their place through the hiatus. The opening in the diaphragm is then stitched to create a snug opening and prevent the stomach from pushing up backwards. Surgeons may rarely use a surgical mesh to reinforce the junction and may also suture the stomach to the connective tissue.

  5. This way there is less chances of the abdomen migrating upwards. Open surgery is rarely performed nowadays. • Laparoscopic or key hole surgery: This is the minimally invasive version of the open surgery. The surgeon will make small incisions around the stomach and use a tiny camera and equipment to nudge the stomach to its normal position and then tighten the hole in the diaphragmatic junction. Nissen fundoplication and Toupet’s fundoplication are the most commonly performed surgeries for hiatus hernia. • Best surgeons of hiatus hernia perform a partial or full fundoplication procedure to treat acid reflux to help with the problem and keep the abdomen in its right place. The minimally approach to surgery gives quicker recovery time than the open surgery. Gastroenterologist or the surgeon is the best person to explain the type of surgery suitable for the patient. Hiatus surgery is not suitable for patients who are • Pregnant • Are allergic to drugs or medicines like iodine, or anaesthesia. • Have bleeding disorders • Taking medications like aspirin etc.


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