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Prostate Cancer Awareness Raising in Nottingham’s African Caribbean Community

Prostate Cancer Awareness Raising in Nottingham’s African Caribbean Community. Nottingham City Council. Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Week Nottingham Survey 2009. 36% of ethnic minorities in Nottingham were not sure or unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms of cancer.

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Prostate Cancer Awareness Raising in Nottingham’s African Caribbean Community

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  1. Prostate Cancer Awareness Raising in Nottingham’s African Caribbean Community

  2. Nottingham City Council

  3. Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Week Nottingham Survey 2009 • 36% of ethnic minorities in Nottingham were not sure or unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms of cancer. • 47% did not know how to reduce their cancer risk • 55% had a family member who had experienced cancer.

  4. Prostate Cancer Charity Nottingham Council House2007

  5. Nottingham City2008 estimate (ONS) • Current City population 286,400, 44% of the Greater Nottingham population of 647,100. • 23% of the population were in Black and Minority Ethnic groups (non-White British), compared to15.3% in England. (Previously 19%).

  6. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in Nottingham City

  7. The Project(Sponsored by Nottingham City PCT)Raising Awareness of Prostate Cancer in African Caribbean men (September 2009)

  8. Council Wards (20) &Ward Map Hyson Green/ Radford St Anns

  9. Estimated 1500 African Caribbean men living in Nottingham who are over 50(Sept 09)

  10. Project Aim and Objectives • To increase awareness of signs and symptoms • To increase early presentation to primary care (GP’s etc) • To identify barriers to earlier presentation • To address concerns and dispel myths

  11. Consultation and Proposal • August 09 to group of African Caribbean professional health and social care volunteers The African Caribbean Health Network ACHN Decided 4 Awareness raising sessions would be delivered via 2 community orgs.

  12. Activities

  13. Co-operative Community Actionwww.cca-ltd.co.uk

  14. CCA Awareness Raising Sessions

  15. Bright Ideas www.brightideasnottingham.co.uk

  16. Bright Ideas Awareness Raising Sessions

  17. Resources • Prostate cancer quiz • Prize draw via raffle linked to evaluation • Anatomical Models passed around • PCC Leaflets and Booklets handed out. • Viewed DVD (F. Chinegwundoh) • Q & A sessions • User friendly evaluation forms • Comedy Club

  18. Health Professionals • Prostate cancer advice sheet prepared • Sent to GP surgeries in St Anns and Hyson Green. Advice sheet • Summary of prostate cancer NICE guidelines for investigation and referral • Information for doctors to discuss with men requesting a PSA test.

  19. People involved in delivery • Specialist Registrar in Public Health (PCT Lead) • Local GP (ACHN member) • Prostate Cancer Support Group members • Barber (Ultimate Barbers Shop) • 2 African Caribbean Community Centre staff. • African Caribbean Singer. • Project Managers from both organisations. • Other team members from both organisations • BME Cancer Information Specialist. • Local Comedienne (Mona Lisa Productions). • Prostate Cancer Nurse Specialist and Outreach team

  20. Learning • Community based organisations have good reach into the target population and contacts that were utilised in organising events. • Using them to organise the events meant that they engaged with the project and that individuals working for them increased their awareness and knowledge of prostate cancer

  21. Learning Continued The impact of the sessions is continuing. A number of attendees have approached staff seeking further information following the sessions. There are also a number of requests for further sessions.

  22. Barriers to presentation Lack of understanding around what prostate cancer is Fear of finding out something is wrong Fear of finding something is wrong that affects ability to have sex Ignorance of the fact that prostate cancer is 3X more common in African Caribbean men Embarrassment Pride Loss of dignity

  23. Support A significant number of men who attended felt that there should be a specific support group based in the African Caribbean community.

  24. What the men said CCA Feedback at the end was very positive. • 92% said they had learned something by the end of the event. • 100% said they would take some action after the event. • (Some men diagnosed since the events).

  25. Bright Ideas • There was some discussion about different food stuffs and nutrients and their ability to prevent cancer

  26. 120 Black men reachedwithin 2 months 71 were over 50

  27. Recommendations (PCT) • Prostate Cancer Awareness Raising continued via Change Makers (NCAT funding). • Update all GP’s regarding the increased risk of prostate cancer in African Caribbean men and the revision of the Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme (2009). • Disseminate learning, as appropriate

  28. Nottingham City PCT gained evidence via the project to fund Prostate cancer awareness raising in the 2 identified areas

  29. Healthy Communities Collaborative Project Change Makers for cancer launched in 2008 in 3 areas of deprivation Community volunteer led cancer awareness raising project supported by professionals Initial focus on Breast Cancer Bowel Cancer Lung Cancer Prostate Cancer from 2010

  30. Rose ThompsonBME cancer Information Specialist BME cancer.communities www.bmecancer.com 0115 9348482 service@bmecancer.com

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