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You Are Not Ok Become a Raktivist - Ed-counselling UK

Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today (on this earth) for an important decision that concerns this blog, or rather our community, <br>https://www.ed-counselling.co.uk/non-stai-bene-diventa-un-a-raktivist/

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You Are Not Ok Become a Raktivist - Ed-counselling UK

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  1. YOU'RE NOT OK? BECOME A RAKTIVIST ed-counselling.co.uk/non-stai-bene-diventa-un-a-raktivist 16 April 2021 Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today (on this earth) for an important decision that concerns this blog, or rather our community, more precisely it concerns our nation but also our condominium, and it also concerns you who read from the other part of the screen, to be honest, is about the whole human race. Ok, ok I went a little long, I do it again, keeping my feet on the ground a little more, but not too much, in short, the right balance, a sort of controlled levitation, no, not that of bread, that is leavening with the 'i ”, in short, I'll try, I'll go, ready? But did you know that there is ' Random Acts of Kindness Day ' ?? !! For those who don't know yet, you know! (I apologize, I hope you will forgive me but 'did you know' I always wanted to understand the effect of writing it, okay, now I know, I compose myself and get back to the point). This year 'day of fortuitous acts of kindness' fell in February, we missed it! Why then do I propose it to you? As repeated several times, I'm here to support those who want to be supported, so I tell you: the random act of kindness can be (should be) part of us, part of our daily life. Why? “ Obvious! Because so you go to heaven and say hello to your grandfather ”(yes, it's her, she returned, after the lockdown, with a direct flight from Cagliari to Luton and here, my dear grandmother). 1/3

  2. Now, Granny's beliefs aside, I understand that if, like all of us, you need to feed the left side of your brain and then need a logical reason, here it is: The act of kindness is good for your health, it's scientific, it is proven, CNN also says it in this nice post with various useful links, some of which I report below: If you're one of those who “don't have time to read,” here's a concise explanation of the benefits, and some ideas of what and how to practice kindness, in a short video from the Kindness Foundation. Watch Video At: https://youtu.be/O9UByLyOjBM Still skeptical / what? I try to give you further proven evidence. Like this research that tastes magical and instead is a scientific experiment like you can find many others if you just search. I must say that I too was pleasantly surprised by the statement that in addition to a positive mental and emotional response: " f indings suggest that spending money on others shapes cardiovascular health, thereby providing one pathway by which prosocial behavior improves physical health among at-risk older adults . " Yes, just like that, the emotional and physical reaction of those who do a kindness, as well as of those who receive it, gives a shot of life, producing among other things already mentioned also the production of serotonin and oxytocin, the hormones of happiness . Remember some time ago, I posted an infographic with the title Volunteer! ? Here's that stuff there. So, as the article suggests, let's all become RAKtivists, or Random Acts of Kindness Activists® For example: how about adding a gentleness when you take a healthy walk outdoors? As grandma would say, kill the famous " two birds with one stone ". In other words, you would add an 'amplifier' of positive psycho-mental feedback to the already known 2/3

  3. benefits: the greater oxygen available in the open air, the vitamin D that can be absorbed, the movement of the body with its advantages on flexibility, circulation, muscle tone. and energy level in general, Can't think of what to do gently while you go for a walk? Walk a friend's dog. Don't know how to get a friend dog? Um, I meant, are you lonely like a dog? …not yet! I meant: don't you have a friend with a dog? No panic attacks , help an unknown person. If you are in London it's easy easy, here: BorrowMyDoggy - Local Dog Walking, Sitting & Holiday Care Ah! Of all the options we have, let's never forget to be kind to ourselves, on the other hand you are the only person with whom you will certainly be with for the rest of your life, better to love each other, right? Good Karma to all. 3/3

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