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Complete Guide on Jaggery by Dhampur Green - 2020

This Guide has the answer to the following questions:<br>Why Jaggery?<br>Is jaggery healthy?<br>What is better Jaggery or Sugar?<br>Can Jaggery cure diseases?<br>Nutritional content in Jaggery.<br>Uploaded by - Dhampurgreen.com

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Complete Guide on Jaggery by Dhampur Green - 2020

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  1. This E-book has the answer to the following questions:  Why Jaggery?  Is jaggery healthy?  What is better Jaggery or Sugar?  Can Jaggery cure diseases?  Nutritional content in Jaggery.

  2.  Fully matured & selected varieties of sugarcane are crushed to extract the juice without adding any chemical/additive. It is cleaned using natural flocculants and physical separation methods. The juice is then boiled to evaporate the water leaving pure wholesome gur /Jaggery.

  3. Yes, Jaggery can help you in curing various diseases -  Fully matured & selected varieties of sugarcane are crushed to extract the juice without adding any chemical/additive. It is cleaned using natural flocculants and physical separation methods. The juice is then boiled to evaporate the water leaving pure wholesome gur / Jaggery.

  4. Typically, Sample of Dhampur Green Gur (100g)  Calcium - 80 mg.  Phosphorous - 60 mg.  Iron - 2.4 mg.  Thiamine - 0.02 mg.  Riboflavin - 0.07 mg.  Niacin - 0.3 mg.  Ascorbic Acid - 3 mg.

  5.  Production of Jaggery from sugarcane utilizes a blend of synthetics as sulfur dioxide, lime, phosphoric corrosive, fading operators and consistency.Besides, sugar production is completed in gentle steel gears, which frequently prompts a high measurement of nickel in the mother alcohol. In sugar, the normal defensive "woolsen factor" is lost not at all like in gur. Additionally, all characteristic minerals and nutrients are in part or lost because of unnecessary synthetic concoctions, preparing, and introduction to warm.

  6.  In addition, Dhampur Green Gur isn't just a synthetic- free item, but at the same time is an entirely sterile item immaculate by hands! It is set up from exceptional assortments of developing sugarcane.

  7.  The earliest records of assembling of Jaggery go back to 3000 BC. Ancient medical scriptures going back to 2500 years state how Jaggery "purifies the blood, forestalls rheumatic distresses and disorder of bile and has nutritive properties of high request." (Sushruta Samhita, Chapter 45, Sloka 146).

  8.  COLD- Mix fluid Jaggery (make a syrup with ground Jaggery in heated water) with a glue of green betel leaves. Eat 1tsp two times per day.  HICCUPS- Fluid Jaggery + dry ginger powder. Eat 1tsp with warm water.  Hypertension- Liquid /fluid Jaggery ate for 15 days every day; not eating for the next 15 days-proceeds with the same till 3 months.

  9.  MENSTRUAL DISORDER- eat 1tsp jaggery two times every day with milk.  Anemia - Jaggery eaten day by day at any rate 1 tsp two times per day.  Fart - 10 g Jaggery to be eaten after nourishment.  Cerebral pain - Mix 10 g Jaggery + 6 g sesame seeds + 2-3 drops milk. Apply glue on the brow.

  10.  Gur has a few one of kind medicinal assets, archived however up to this point, nearly overlooked! few of these are-  Prevents tooth rot.  Cleans the blood, prevents rheumatic afflictions and clutters of bile and has nutritive properties of a high order. source: (Sushruta Samhita, Chapter 45, sloka 146)

  11.  Prevents nutritious anemia.  Strengthens bones.  The preventive activity of Classic Jaggery(Panela) on smoke-induced lung injuries recommends the capability of Jaggery as a protecting agent for laborers in dusty and smoky situations. - paper exhibited by researchers of Industrial Toxicology Research Center at a Workshop held in Lyon, France Source: [Environ Health Perspect, 102(Suppl 6): 211-214 (1994)].

  12.  It helps in healing ulcers and wounds.  It provides energy instantly.  Prevents the constipation problem.  Infants and youngsters love the flavor.  Constipation, which is so common with white sugar disappears completely.  Prevents rheumatic sufferings.  Prevents rickets.  The development of the skeleton is great in people who eat Jaggery routinely.  Fights the evil impacts of pollution/ contamination. Regulates liver capacities.

  13.  Makes the skin looking pink. Children stay healthy and their weight develops typically and routinely whenever given little dosages of Jaggery.  Infants who take Jaggery don't develop nutritional Anemia.  It has cooling and diuretic properties.  It improves throat conditions.  Serves as a lactogenicand cardiovascular tonic.  Cures illnesses connected to mucus and throat. Youngsters are actively alive and full of vitality.

  14.  The psychological factor is the hardest to measure. But in place of these pallid faces, passive and quiet, the children who eat Jaggery appear smiling, happy and lively.  Source: An investigative article by Dr. N.H. Beguin published in Le Journaldu Dr. Nature- Nov 1975-65. Source: An investigative article by Dr. N.H. Beguin published in Le Journaldu Dr. Nature- Nov 1975-65

  15. - Find us on - Facebook.com/dhampurgreen Instagram.com/dhampurgreen Youtube.com/dhampurgreen dhampurgreen.com/best-jaggery-online -Or call- 9711615570

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