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Digital Shiksha Is A Premium Education Centre to Help Students to REach their Desired Golas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Digitalshiksha.org Digital Shiksha A Tradition To Excellence

  2. Digitalshiksha.org Mission statement: Help student perform better, think faster, and live better.

  3. Digitalshiksha.org The problem Frame the problem for the students. Quantify the scope of the problem and connect it to your students. 20XX 20XX 20XX 20XX

  4. Digitalshiksha.org The team Answer the question, “Why are we the ones to solve the problem we identified?” Chetan Mehra Poonam Mehra Director Of The company Assistant Director Of the Company Have 12 years of experience in education field Have 12 years of experience in education field

  5. Digitalshiksha.org Show how you solve the problem you identified. The solution Be the solution Of Any problem not a part of it.(Poonam Mehra)?

  6. Digitalshiksha.org Show the audience you anticipated their questions. Leave room for Q&A, but use the Appendix as a way to show that you both thought about those questions and have solid answers with supporting information. Let the audience test their understanding of the problem and the solution you’ve outlined - questions give them a chance to talk themselves into your approach, and give you a chance to show mastery of the subject. Appendix

  7. Digitalshiksha.org How it works Step 3 Success Step 2 Apply what is good Step 1 Consultation

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