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SINS high redshift galaxy S pectroscopic I maging survey in the N ear-IR with S INFONI

SINS high redshift galaxy S pectroscopic I maging survey in the N ear-IR with S INFONI N.M. Förster Schreiber A.E. Shapley, D.K. Erb, C.C. Steidel Princeton/CfA/Caltech SINS SINFONI GTO science program on high redshift galaxies MPE-IR/Submm Group, USM/MPE Group, NOVA Group

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SINS high redshift galaxy S pectroscopic I maging survey in the N ear-IR with S INFONI

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  1. SINS high redshift galaxy SpectroscopicImagingsurvey in the Near-IR with SINFONI N.M. Förster Schreiber

  2. A.E. Shapley, D.K. Erb, C.C. Steidel Princeton/CfA/Caltech SINS SINFONI GTO science program on high redshift galaxies MPE-IR/Submm Group, USM/MPE Group, NOVA Group and collaborations N.M. Förster Schreiber, R. Genzel, M. D. Lehnert, L.J. Tacconi, A. Verma, N. Bouché, N. Nesvadba, R. Davies, D. Lutz, F. Eisenhauer, K. Shapiro, G. Cresci, R. Abuter, S. Gillessen, A. Gilbert, R. Bender, S. Seitz, A. Sternberg MPE/USM/Oxford/Berkeley/LLNL/Tel Aviv A. Cimatti, E. Daddi, A. Renzini, X. Kong, V. Mignoli, N. Arimoto Bologna/CEA Saclay/Padova/Hefei China/NAO Japan

  3. Open issues... Angular momentum?  Dissipation?  Connection between bulge and disk formation? Timescales? Star formation efficiency?    Baryonic mass accretion?  Feedback? Environment?  Where do observed populations fit? Relation between DM and baryons?   Evolution as function of mass? Inside-out?   ? Galaxy Formation and Evolution

  4. spatially resolved kinematics, morphologies, metallicities, ionization  dynamical masses, dynamical timescales, angular momentum  evolution of dynamics, star formation, metallicity  relationships between various high redshift samples  role of feedback, role of environmental effects  SINS Survey of z ~ 1 – 4 galaxy populations from NIR integral field spectroscopy with SINFONI @ VLT To date: ~50 objects (BM/BX, BzK, K bright, LBGs, SMGs, ...)

  5. SPIFFI MACAO (MPE/NOVA/ESO, P.I. F. Eisenhauer) (ESO, P.I. H. Bonnet) 60-element curvature sensor AO system / bimorph mirror with APDs Cryogenic integral field spectrometer with reflective image slicer   Natural & Laser Guide Star operations, seeing-limited mode  HAWAII 2RG 2k2 detector  3 pixel scales: 25, 100, 250 mas FOVs 0.80.8, 3.23.2, 88  4 gratings: J, H, K, H+KR ~ 2000 – 4500  Total throughput ~ 30%  Eisenhauer et al. (2003) Bonnet et al. (2004) ESO PR 24b/04 SINFONI at the VLT

  6. SPIFFI:3D principle

  7. Q1307–BM1163 z=1.41 Q1623-BX376a z=2.41 Q1623-BX447 z=2.15 Q1623-BX543 z=2.52 Q1623–BX455 z=2.41 Q1623–BX502 z=2.16 Q1623–BX528 z=2.27 Q1623–BX599 z=2.33 1 [NII] [NII] Q2343–BX610 z=2.21 Q2346–BX416 z=2.24 Q2346–BX404 z=2.03 Q1623–BX663 z=2.43 SSA22a–MD41 z=2.17 Q2343–BX389 z=2.17 Q2346–BX482 z=2.26 Q2346–BX405 z=2.03 [NII] [NII] [NII] [NII] 500km/s K20–ID5 z=2.23 K20–ID6 z=2.23 K20–ID7 z=2.22 K20–ID8 z=2.22 K20–ID9 z=2.04 BzK–6004 z=2.39 BzK–15504 z=2.38 SA12–6339 z=2.30 [OIII] [OIII] [NII] [NII] BzK–12556 z=1.59 SA12–5241 z=1.36 SA12–6192 z=1.51 SA15–5365 z=1.53 BzK–7144 z=1.65 [NII] [NII] [NII] Q1422+231–d81 z=3.10 Q0347–383–c5 z=3.23 SMM14011+0252 z=2.56 SMM04431+0210 z=2.51 [OIII] [OIII] [NII] [NII] [NII] [NII] [OIII] [OIII] 1

  8. BX galaxies FWHM ~ 0.5 – 0.6  ~ 4.5 kpc Förster Schreiber et al. (2006) (SINFONI sample drawn from Erb et al. 2006) 2D kinematics with SINFONI Orbital motions at z~2

  9. Rotation curves to r ~ 10 kpc at z ~ 2 15 BX galaxies at z~2.2  local  late-type spirals rapid accretion/  gas exhaustion  gas-rich <r1/2> = 4.4 kpc (range: 2–7 kpc) <vc> = 180 ± 90 km s-1   Mdyn ~ (0.5 – 25) 1010 M vc/σ ~ 2–4 j ~ 103 km s–1 kpc dyn ~ 103 M pc–2     Förster Schreiber et al. (2006) Properties of SINFONI BX sample

  10. 17 BzK–15504 at z  2.38 V=16.7 FWHM ~ 0.15  ~ 1.2 kpc K=19.2 Genzel et al. (2006) (Daddi et al. 2004; Kong et al. 2006) 2D kinematics with SINFONI+AO

  11. Rel. offset (kpc) 250 180 130 110 60 30 -200 -150 -50 0 50 150 200 Rel. offset (arcsec)  Large, massive, gas-rich disk 0.5 0.5 Rel. offset (kpc) Converting rapidly v(Hα) (km/s) σ(Hα) (km/s)  a significant fraction of its baryonic mass into stars Rel. offset (arcsec) Rel. offset (kpc) vc = 230 km s-1 r1/e 4.5 kpc   gas ~ 350 M pc–2 Mdyn  1.1  1011 M vc/σ 3 M 0.8  1011 M SFR ~ 1 M yr–1kpc–2 SFR ~ 150 M yr–1 Mgas 0.4  1011 M ~ gas~500 Myr         Rel. offset (arcsec) A “Protodisk” at z~2 BzK–15504 at z  2.38 v(Hα) (km/s) σ(Hα) (km/s) Genzel et al. (2006)

  12. Core (r  0.5 kpc) Magnification ~20x FWHM ~ 0.5  ~ 200 pc  ~ bulges of local L* spirals Mdyn ~ 2  109 M dyn ~ 3  103 M pc–2   Dynamics on small scales 1E0657-56 Arc+Core: strongly lensed LBG at z  3.24 ACS F814W Arc 8 Core Forman-Jones et al. SINFONI [OIII] (greyscale) R band (contours) (Mehlert et al. 2001) Nesvadba et al. (2006)

  13. SINS: spatially-resolved studies at z ~ 1 – 4 with SINFONI This talk: Witnessing galaxy mass assembly in detail Evidence for large, massive, gas-rich rotating disks at z~2–3 Significant amount of baryonic mass in central regions at z~2–3  Inside-out scenario 2 Gyr 38 kpc Genzel et al. (2006) Immeli et al. (2004) Summary

  14. [NII] K continuum 1 [NII]/Hα v (Hα) Δv (Hα) (FWHM) Förster Schreiber et al. (2006) Spatially-resolved metallicity & SF Q2343–BX610 at z = 2.21

  15. Kcontinuum continuum/Hα 0.07 0.25 1 0.19 [NII] [NII]/Hα [NII]/Hα 0.15 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.25 0 Genzel et al. (2006) Spatially-resolved metallicity & SF BzK–15504 at z = 2.38

  16. Line maps A B H [OIII]5007 Velocity fields C C B A [OIII]5007 H Spatially-resolved metallicity & SF Q2343–BX389 at z 2.17

  17. nucleus (θ=1”) Lyα CIV HeII CIII] BzK-15504 (z=2.38) Kong et al. 2006 Daddi et al. 2003, 2004

  18. BX/K Abadi et al. 2003 Rotation and angular momentum

  19. model rotating exponential disk flux velocity dispersion • Characteristic signatures of a rotating disk • maximum, smooth velocity gradient along morphogical major axis • velocity dispersion peaks at center of velocity gradient (and continuum peak if present) • ‘spider’ diagram of iso-velocity contours = sinosoidal variation of velocities as a function of disk angle • kinematic inclination = morphological inclination Model rotating disk

  20. 3 1 BX405 8.3 kpc Ks BX404 SINFONI H (2h K-band) Shapley et al. 2004; Erb et al. 2003, 2004 Förster Schreiber et al. 2006 BM/BX objects BX 404/405 z = 2.03

  21. v = –200 km/s v = –100 km/s v = 0 km/s HST/WFPC2 v = +100 km/s SINFONI Ha v = +200 km/s v = +300 km/s 1 8 kpc Shapley et al. 2004; Erb et al. 2003, 2004 Förster Schreiber et al. (in prep.) BM/BX objects MD41 z = 2.17 H channel maps

  22. [OIII]5007 HST/WFPC2 F702W 1 7.5 kpc A B SINFONI (4h K-band) A B [OIII] 5007 velocity field SINFONI Lyman-Break Galaxies Q0347–383 C5 z = 3.23 Pettini et al. 2001 Nesvadba 2005 (PhD Thesis)

  23. SINFONI H line map (colours) Line-free K continuum n J2 c J2 se J1 J1 ISAAC K-band Line-free K continuum WFPC2 F702W (contours) SINFONI 2 SINFONI 5h40 K-band 1h30 H-band 1h10 J-band Tecza et al. 2004; Nesvadba 2005 (PhD Thesis) e.g. Ivison et al. 2001; Smail et al. 2005 Submm-selected Galaxies SMMJ14011+0252 z = 2.56 n

  24. J1 J2 H line map (colours) J2 Line-free K continuum J1 SINFONI 2 J1 J1 n J2 J2 c J2 se J1 Submm-selected Galaxies SMMJ14011+0252 z = 2.56 n ISAAC K-band Tecza et al. 2004; Nesvadba 2005 (PhD Thesis)

  25. i = 20 i = 40 Exponential disk model i = 60 M = 3  1010 M i = 20° – 80° scale length = 1 i = 80 thickness = 0.2 seeing  0.5 Model + noise i = 80° SNR(peak) = 7 Nesvadba 2005 (PhD Thesis) Förster Schreiber et al. (in prep.) Modelling

  26. Smoothing Voronoi binning Smoothing Voronoi binning BX610 MD41 BX482 BzK-15504 Extracting robust 2D kinematics … from IFS of z~2 galaxies Shapiro 2006 (PhD Thesis) Cresci et al.

  27. Gas-rich mergers + vigorous feedback 140 kpc Baryonic component complex physical processes (angular momentum exchange/loss, cooling, feedback, ...) 2 Gyr Robertson et al. (2005) Gas-rich star-forming disk: disk fragmentation + bulge formation 38 kpc Immeli et al. (2004) Galaxy Formation and Evolution

  28. Spiral Elliptical Frenk, Baugh, & Cole (1996) smooth vs complex accretion… angular momentum … dissipative vs non-dissipative collapse Galaxy Formation from Simulations Mass accretion and star formation process

  29. V-band morphologies: models vs data Complex X-band morphologies in UDF Immeli et al. (2004) van den Bergh et al. (1996) Elmegreen & Elmegreen (2005) Observations vs Simulations

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