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T-Shirt Printing Techniques With pros and Cons

Looking to start customizing and online selling t-shirts? We see every day, T Shirt printing has been very popular for many years. All you need to decide on different types of t-shirt printing techniques that will enthrall and inspire you or what are the types of shirt printing you can use. We explain the t-shirt printing techniques with the pros and cons, including screen printing, transfer, sublimation, vinyl, embroidery and Direct to Garment and see which one you prefer!<br><br>Source: Read the full blog here: https://bit.ly/302KNTi

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T-Shirt Printing Techniques With pros and Cons

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SixImpressive T-ShirtPrinting Techniques (AndTheirProsAndCons)

  2. Presentation Overview Differenttypesof t-shirtprintingtechnique I1.ScreenPrinting 2.TransferPrinting 3.Direct-To-Garment (DTG) Printing 4.SublimationPrinting 5.Embroidery 6.Vinyl-CutPrinting Overtoyou

  3. Theword “t-shirt” derivesits monikerfromashirtshaped likea “T” withabodyand twosleeves. However,t-shirtsareseenas astylestatementinthe twenty-firstcentury.

  4. However,letustakeastep backtounderstandwhyso manyt-shirtdesignsoftware companiesarethrivingbyonly sellingt-shirts.

  5. Herearesixdifferenttypesof t-shirtprintingtechniques thatwillenthrallandinspire you:

  6. 1.ScreenPrinting Oneoftheoldestmethodsoft-shirtprinting, thistechniqueinvolvestheuseofsinglecolors, andastenciloratemplateofthedesigntobe printedonthet-shirt.

  7. 2.TransferPrinting Transferprintingdoeswhatitsuggests,i.e.,it transferstheprintfromonesurfaceonto anothersurfaceusingheatandpressure.

  8. 3.Direct-To-Garment (DTG) Printing TheDTGmethodishighlycustomizableandis capableofproducinggoodqualitydesign,the accuracyofcolors,andthehighresolutionof theprint.

  9. 4.SublimationPrinting Sublimationprintingcanbeusedtoprint designsalloverat-shirt.Themethodusesheat andpressuretotransferthedesignprintonto thematerialofthet-shirt.

  10. 5.Embroidery Althoughnotconventionallyregardedasaform oft-shirtprinting,embroiderycreatesdesigns onat-shirtbyusingasewingmachinetosew designsontothefabric.

  11. 6.Vinyl-CutPrinting Vinyl-cutprintingusesaheatpressmachineto printdesignsont-shirts.Thismethodis increasinglyusedinsportswear,andfor printinglogos,brand,andcompanynameson t-shirts.

  12. Overtoyou Whilewhichprintingtechnique youchoosedependsonyou. Youmustfindanaptweb-to- printsoftwaresolutionprovider tocarryoutothertasksproperly. Buildat-shirtprinting marketplacewithaW2Psoftware solutiontostayaheadof competition.

  13. SO,WHATARE YOUWAITING FOR? Contactusforacustomdemo atinquiry@designnbuy.com,and transformthewayyoudoyour business.

  14. TalkToUs MailingAddress 667,EastRoyalLane,Apt1068,Irving, TX75039. EmailAddress inquiry@designnbuy.com PhoneNumber +1-347-647-9799 +49-322-1421- Website: https://www.designnbuy.com/


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