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Knee Joint Replacement - Purpose, Risks, Treatment and Recovery

Knee Replacement Surgery is a surgical procedure in which unhealthy or worn-out parts of the knee joint are mainly replaced with specific prosthesis types.

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Knee Joint Replacement - Purpose, Risks, Treatment and Recovery

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  1. Knee Joint Knee Joint Replacement Replacement: : Purpose, Risks, Treatment and Recovery Treatment and Recovery Purpose, Risks, Knee Replacement Surgery is a surgical procedure in which unhealthy or worn-out parts of the knee joint are mainly replaced with specific prosthesis types. These are artificial materials that are quite durable in life. The main purpose of this procedure is to relieve the patients from severe knee pain & disability and to improve knee mobility (getting them back to normal knee functions). TKR or total knee replacement is mainly done in a patient from osteoarthritis or arthritis resulting from rheumatoid disease or previous knee injuries. What Are The Types Of Knee Replacement Surgeries? There are mainly two types of knee replacement surgeries. Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) • Partial Knee Replacement Surgery (PKR) • Both are meant to replace the damaged knee joint surface with artificial components. They provide pain-free and flexible knee motions. Partial Knee Replacement Surgery Often known as unicompartmental knee arthroplasty or unicondylar knee arthroplasty. This surgery typically fixes the knee osteoarthritis restricted to only one compartment of the knee joint and does not need a complete or total knee joint replacement. The extent of arthritis in one’s knee will define the limited area to be mainly operated on. This modality can be offered to a very limited group of patients with ideal indications for this surgery.

  2. Total Knee Replacement Surgery In TKR, an Orthopedic surgeon will replace all three parts of the knee with a metal prosthesis and plastic spacer – End of the femur, tibia, and inner surface of the patella. A new knee surface is enhanced for the patient. A wide proportion of patients with knee arthritis can be offered this modality for pain relief and improved mobility. Who Requires Total Knee Replacement Surgery? Total knee replacement surgery (TRK) is usually performed in elderly people with severe knee pain and knee deformities. Whereas, age is not a bar as there are also many other reasons that may require TKR to perform in one. People with obesity, traumatic injuries, and such other reasons (when the knee is injured) will also need to undergo this surgery. You And Your Doctor Will Decide To Undergo Surgery, If • You have a painful, stiff, and swollen knee. • You feel difficulties even in the simplest of routine tasks. • You have moderate-to-severe pain while walking, climbing the stairs, or bending or straightening the knees. • How Is Total Knee Replacement Surgery Performed? Today, many orthopedic hospitals perform computer-navigated fast track knee replacement surgery. It is a highly innovative technique offered to patients at affordable costs. Benefits Of Total Knee Replacement Surgery Total knee replacement is a successful surgery performed by millions of people worldwide. It has truly transformed the lives into big comfort and energy. Patients of TKR achieves tremendous advantages like, A great pain relief. • Improved knee motions and movements like standing, walking, and bending. • Increased knee strengths. • Increased walking style and gait pattern. • Total Knee Replacement Recovery The results of TKR are fantastic. This procedure doesn’t require a long hospitalization. There may be a 3- to 4-day hospital stay. Pain relief is quick, and patients would usually not require any help to move sooner after the surgery.

  3. The patient can start walking on the same day. Climbing of stairs or stick walking is allowed on the 3rd day. • Due to the minimal invasive (surgical) nature of TKR, the recovery is faster than earlier methods. • Pain-free physical therapy at home for about two to three weeks. • Getting back to routine activities within a month. • A long-run result due to the modern technology of prostheses and devices used within world-class medical aids. • Finding An Orthopedic Surgeon For Surgery Thinking to undergo a knee replacement surgery and reclaim your already disturbed and active lifestyle back again? A big decision, indeed. Locating a skilled and professional orthopedic surgeon, the one, who has years of expertise in doing these surgeries successfully, will help you ensure that you are in safe hands and that you will have a successful surgery and recovery too. It is important that you feel comfortable with the one, who is going to perform such a big surgery and can freely discuss your concerns openly, without any hesitation and second thought. Here’s what to do to locate the best orthopedic hospital in Chandigarh - Ask for referrals • Ask your clinicians • Asking friends and people you are familiar with • Local orthopedic department • Have a check with online resources • Evaluate a surgeon’s prior credentials • Review the surgeon’s credentials and education • It is wise and smart as well, to ask a surgeon about his overall experience. Ask him – how many knee replacement surgeries he has performed to the date. Studies show that one must go with the one who has performed at least 12 surgeries in a year. What’s more, choosing someone who has 4 or more than that experience can be the best for. Getting a Second Opinion for Knee Replacement Surgery A patient is entitled to get a second opinion or even a third opinion from another doctor. For example, a prospective knee replacement patient may want to try to find another orthopedic surgeon with lower complication rates or who better addresses the patient’s

  4. concerns. Patients should keep in mind that the second opinion may or may not be more accurate than the original opinion. Getting a second opinion or switching surgeons is not unusual, and patients should not worry about hurting a doctor’s feelings. Seeking for quality and the best knee replacement hospital in Chandigarh? Talk to our professional orthopedic doctors at ARV Hospital, Chandigarh. Source Link: https://bit.ly/3cBPH0q

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