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secret of millionaiare

<br>secret of millionaiare<br> <br>8597<br>Pramod Navale<br>Boot camp is a totally different experience that most of people have never seen in their lives. Itu2019s the highest level of experiential learning. Not only you will learn things but also make action plans, strategies, practice tools for breaking emotional barriers, do practice sessions, participate in activities that will unleash the champion on you. Your life will never be the same again after this boot camp. You will do lot of games, activities and exercises that will empower you to feel, act, think, strategize and work like a top Network Marketing leader.<br><br>Success needs much more than knowledge and skills and this is the only boot camp in entire network marketing industry that prepares you for groundbreaking success. Network Marketing Millionaire Bootcamp is based on latest international techniques on peak performance that Deepak has learnt from worldu2019s best trainers in USA, Europe and Singapore.<br><br>You must come once to see what real transformative training is all about. You will get all this in the Network Marketing Millionaire Bootcamp<br><br>Harry up

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secret of millionaiare

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  1. Moffat Machingura Dedication To You, Again ii

  2. The 21 Day MillionaireBootcamp will teach the 4 M's of success. you'll learn marketing, motivation, manifestationand the mind set that has created Multiple 7 figure Businesses. find out what has Worked for many others and learn to make it work for your businiss! HARRY UP... click here.... click here to learn more [

  3. Life Capsules for Success ?Life is like a restaurant; you can have anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price.? Moffat Machingura Do you still remember in your childhood days, how you used to open a magazine and scream, ?I choose my car! I choose my house!? or if you saw someone attractive within the pages and whispered to yourself ?I Choose my wife/husband!? The truth in life is you can have all those things that you kept adding to your wish list – as long as you are willing to pay the price. Everyone wants to be great, but not everyone wants to pay the price of greatness. Work hard, learn from those who have made it, sleep late wake up earlier, believe in your dreams even when everyone doubts them: that is the PRICE OF GREATNESS!  1

  4. Moffat Machingura ?Follo? your drea?s. I a? ?ot sayi?g it’s goi?g to ?e easy, ?ut I a? sayi?g it’s goi?g to ?e ?orth it? Moffat Machingura One day at the sunset of your days, when you have lived long or lived enough, what you will regret the most is not the mistakes that you made – what you will regret the most are the things that you never tried. Go for that car! Build that home! Start that business! When it?s time, find the love of your life and walk down that aisle - tell each other ?I DO.? Of course it will not be easy, but looking back through life you will find the pleasure of achieving your dreams is always greater than the pain you met while achieving them. Follow your dreams!  2

  5. Life Capsules for Success ?If every day you are not paying the price to make your dreams come true, then your everyday is a price that you are paying to stop your dreams coming true.? Moffat Machingura click here I keep talking about dreaming because that?s is what the game of success is all about. Success is dreaming big dreams, believing in those dreams, and daring every dream. Every day is a chance to step closer to the life that you want, however, if you don?t work it right everyday can teach you habits, doubts, and decisions that draw you away from the life that you want. In a pretty little book, I have written down all that I would want to achieve in my life time - I carry that little book everywhere I go; and every day I remind myself THIS IS WHAT I?M LIVING FOR! 3

  6. Moffat Machingura ?You do?’t prosper ?y maintaining standards; you prosper by maintaining habits. You are what you are not because of what you did; but because of what you keep doing.? Moffat Machingura Usain Bolt, the fastest man on earth, takes four years practicing every day for a single Olympic day?s race less than ten seconds long. What makes him the fastest man is not those mini-moments in a race – rather it is the practice that he makes every day for four years prior to that Olympic moment. The gold medal is his dream; exercising everyday are the habits that make his dream happen. Today just pick one thing on your life?s Dream-list and ask yourself: ?What do I need to do every day to attain what I am desiring today?? 4

  7. Life Capsules for Success ?To break away from the past, the future you imagine must be more vivid than the past you remember.? Moffat Machingura | Cinderella Taught Lessons click here My friend! Why is a car?s windscreen so much bigger than the tiny rear view mirror? I hope you got it! It is because to reach your destination what matters the most is seeing where you are going more than where you are coming from. Life is journey: we are coming from the past, for now we are in the present and we are going to the future. If you keep looking back while driving forward, you will accidentally crush into a future that you never desired (and would have hated to desire). In your phone place wallpapers and play only that music that reminds you of your future, rather than let past images imprison you to a history that you can no longer change. Life is not meant to be lived backwards.  5

  8. Moffat Machingura ?Where you are going to matters more than what you are going through.? Moffat Machingura When going through a long journey, you meet many disturbing things on the way. Some of those things include people who misuse you and abuse you; some out of greed will fool you and some out of envy may betray you. Some of those ?things? can simply be days of scarcity. For example, when you are starting a business – it is possible to make losses for months (or years); or to find yourself selling off your car to increase capital at a time you thought you should have bought yourself a new one. Don?t focus so much on what you are going through to an extent that you forget where you are going to. When problems come know that you are not going into them, rather you are going through them. If we keep going one day we will find we have gone through them, only quitting makes our problems permanent.  6

  9. Life Capsules for Success ?Your drea?s did?’t ?eed a perfect world to be dreamt, therefore there is no reason to believe that they need a perfect world to come true.? Moffat Machingura | Cinderella Taught me Lessons Steve Jobs founded the Apple Company in a garage. Today Apple is an international brand (the maker of I-phone series, I-pod and I-pad plus Apple computers). According to Forbes, the Apple that started in a garage is now worth more than 784 billion dollars (US$). If he had waited till he could afford a decent office at the center of the town, then Apple would not have started. Don?t wait for perfect conditions because life has no perfect conditions. The secret to success is in your ability to do more with less. In my book Cinderella Taught me Lessons I write that ?you might not have all that you want, but what you have is enough to get you to all that you want.? GET STARTED!  7

  10. Moffat Machingura What 3 Changes Would You Like to See In your Life right now? [You can add more] _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8

  11. Life Capsules for Success ?We were punished for doing what we wanted. With time our fear of punishment grew into a fear of wanting.? Moffat Machingura Sometimes when you grow up under very strict parents; parents who taught you what to think rather than teach you how to think for yourself, you might have realized that you developed a fear of going for what you really want. We can?t blame them, they were trying to turn you into a disciplined child; unfortunately you might have turned out a fearful child. Some people have a fear of greatness. They are afraid of wanting great things. Deep inside they believe what they want leads them to pain of disappointments in the same way wanting something in their childhood often led them to the pain of punishment. What really do you want to achieve with your life? What do you want to spend your everyday doing?  9

  12. Moffat Machingura click here.. ?I realised no-one will come in to rescue me. I just had to step out somehow, and make my dreams come true.? Moffat Machingura If all you do is just sit and wait for someone to come change your life, then the only person you will get is one who will come help you sit and wait. In life we don?t attract who we want, we attract who we are. Together you will sit for a lifetime. You first have to step out in order to attract people who are stepping out. Become the person that you want to attract. Otherwise for now understand that ?no one will come in to rescue you; you just have to step out somehow and make your dreams come true!? NB: ?Somehow? means the responsibility is yours to find the formula. No-one has a full formula for life.  10

  13. Life Capsules for Success ?If you find an easy life that you never made, it shows somebody took the pain that you did?’t take.? Moffat Machingura | Cinderella Taught me Lessons Noticing a successful person is easy, the challenge is in recognizing the struggles that made them successful. Behind the glory that you see there is a story that you have got to hear. In every testimony there is always first a test. Now that you have chosen the life that you want; it?s time you also choose to take the pain that leads you there. All the successful people you see today, where once upon a time just ordinary people till they chose to take the pain. Today face every life challenge with determination, knowing that each challenge is a test for a great testimony – the story that leads to your glory.  11

  14. Moffat Machingura ?Looking back I find that I wanted so many things; ?ut it’s o?ly ?hat I a?ted upon that I have today. My achievements are limited by my actions.? Moffat Machingura To ?want? is to decide the difference you would like to see, but to act is to cause that difference. Only action will give you what you want. Success is easier found if you go look for it on your own rather than send someone to go seek it for you. What are you doing every day to become the person you want to be? To achieve more either you have to do more or you have to do differently from how you have done, but the main thing is you have to do something. Do you often ask yourself: ?What should I be doing differently, and what should I be doing more?  12

  15. Life Capsules for Success ?Looking back I find that those ?ho do?’t ?elie?e i? ?y drea?s do?’t ha?e the power to stop it from coming true. Not everyone has to believe in your dreams.? Moffat Machingura It?s when you do not believe in yourself that you blame people for not believing in you. The truth is we would be seeking a voice that affirms existence of those abilities that we doubt about ourselves. But the funny question is, if you cannot believe in yourself why should you expect that anyone should be able to believe in you? I first had to call myself a writer before people had believed I was. It was after publishing my third book, and being quoted in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, India, Africa and all over the world, that people came asking for my autograph. I had to believe in myself so that people could believe in me. Believe in yourself. They will find faith because you believed!  13

  16. Moffat Machingura ?To live differently you have to act differently.? Moffat Machingura It does not matter how strongly hopeful you are, you cannot keep following a cake recipe and expect it to give you a pizza. You need a difference in your actions to get a difference in your results. Hoping things could be different, or believing things will be different does not make a difference. It is changing the way you have been doing things that will change your life. Google or look around for the best ten successful people or companies in your field, ask yourself what it is that they are doing differently from you that is causing them to be better than you. And when you find it, ask yourself how you can improve it and adapt it into your own life. The success of others is meant to instruct us of the changes that we need to make for ourselves.  14

  17. Life Capsules for Success ?Dreams don't die, they are only forgotten.? Moffat Machingura | Cinderella Taught me Lessons At least more than fourteen thousand thoughts cross your mind every day. Some of those thoughts are life changing thoughts, some are multimillionaire ideas that seem like ordinary ideas, and some could even be thoughts that change our world. But at the end of the day you only remember two or three that are most important to you. The rest are forgotten, and our lives, world and economic statuses are doomed to remain the same. We are all dreamers and everyone has a dream. Some dream by night, but all people dream as they walk by day. Thoughts visit them of a brighter future, a bigger life and a better world. But some, because they don?t believe in themselves, they abandon their aspirations and live life mimicking the aspirations of others. It is end of our lives that we find we are not satisfied though having achieved much, it is because though we achieved to be almost like others we failed to be our own selves. Dreams don?t die.  15

  18. Moffat Machingura Try to think and write down 3 Things That are standing in your way to achieving Your main Life Goals right now [You can add more] _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 16

  19. Life Capsules for Success ?No-matter how far ahead they might have gone, they all started with one step.? Moffat Machingura An average person makes about eight thousand five hundred footsteps a day. If we combine the distance of all the footsteps you make in a single seventy year life time, studies show that it is long enough to go round the world five times. In other words, never despise the power of taking one step at a time. Take life one step at a time. Overnight success comes after many sleepless nights of hard work. In my book Cinderella Taught me Lessons I write that the top is the end, those who are waiting to begin at the top are waiting to begin when the journey should be ending. If it?s over why do you still have to do it? Be humble enough to begin with a single step. Be patient enough to pursue your success one day per day. You might not be going fast but you are going far.  17

  20. Moffat Machingura ?To accomplish the best you can, first aim for the best you can't.? Moffat Machingura | Cinderella Taught me Lessons A friend of mine once related how one day, being chased by a ravenous dog, he ran and jumped over a fence wall almost taller than himself. He realized he was able to jump higher than he had estimated for himself. Are you sure you are not under estimating yourself every day when you tell yourself you can?t simply because you have never tried? Aim for those things that you think you can?t do, you will be surprised you can do so much more. I once asked another friend of mine, ?Can you swim?? He replied shaking his head side to side, ?No, I can?t.??Have you ever gone swimming before?? I interrogated. ?No.? He responded. I asked him: ?Then how do you know you can?t swim if you have never tried?? Aim for what you think you can?t, that will stretch you to seek abilities in you that you never thought you had. Keep aiming high. It?s the aspirations of your heart that will set your talents free.  18

  21. Life Capsules for Success ?It is a ?elief of the mediocre that extreme effort kills.? Moffat Machingura If you work hard life will stop being hard. The billionaire Donald Trump sleeps less than four hours a day. Bill Gates used to go for days without sleep, creating the windows software with his friend Allen. Aristotle Onassis, the magnet once named the richest man in the world used to go for three days non-stop without sleep, then sleep one full day afterwards. If it comes to effort, Mark Zuckerberg had to manually enter more thousands of Facebook profiles on his own before he could launch Facebook. Today they are rich tycoons! They are extremely wealthy because they were extremely effortful. If you have a friend that tells you wait a little bit, or lay that for tomorrow, or don?t do that this year…Get rid of that loser! Amazingly it is the least successful who are the most restful! Work hard and life gets easy, or work easy and life stays hard!  19

  22. Moffat Machingura ?The first step is the hardest i? every journey of dreams. There is nothing else to fear unto whosoever has shown the tenacity to begin; because, once having started, the hardest part of the mission is the o?e lyi?g ?ehi?d.? Moffat Machingura When you are doing something for the first time, every part of you would be against you. Your body feels stretched to reach heights it never decided and your mind is scared to step into a place that it has never known before. The body is still inflexible, and the mind is still holding on to a past. Indeed, ?the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.? The secret is - Get Started. Fear is a frequent passenger in the journey of life, but you will keep going forward as long as you avoid to let it take the steering wheel. We grow by doing new things. Always ask yourself ?When was the last time I did something for the first time?? 20

  23. Life Capsules for Success ?There is no problem with a dream that takes forty years to be completed. The problem is with a dream that takes forty years to begin.? Moffat Machingura | Cinderella Taught me Lessons In the movie the Count of Monte Cristo, the main character Edmont Dantes was given life imprisonment even though he was innocent. In prison he also met an old man who was, like him, unjustly imprisoned without trial. It was an unfair act of political despotism. The Old Man, however, had an escape plan. But the problem is, according to the only plan that worked, it would take more than ten years to have successfully escaped. ?Ten years??!!!!? Edmont exclaimed to which the old man soberly replied, ?Well…Are you in a hurry somewhere perhaps?? Edmont was avoiding an idea because it would take a long time to be completed. But the truth is even if he did nothing, the long time would still pass by. It does not matter how long it takes to ripen, the harvest will be greater than the seeds sown. Go get started!  21

  24. Moffat Machingura ?If you worry about the things you can no longer change, you lose energy to change what you still can.? Moffat Machingura click here.. In life you cannot change everything and not everything must change. Sometimes the only way to deal with some problems is by going through them. The fact that you can?t change something does not mean you can?t change everything. Only letting go of what you can?t change will give your hands enough space to get hold of what you still can change. Like the old adage goes, ?sometimes strength is seen, not in the ability to hold on, but in the ability to let go.? Yes this is worth a lot of dollars but… Feel FREE to share this book for FREE  With all your family, friends & strangers  I need partners to help make this world a better place. Thank you for being that partner every time you share Let it Go!  22

  25. Life Capsules for Success Do You Want the Next Book Again, FREE? Every two months I release a new life changing book in this Life Capsules Series. This knowledge is worth a lot but You will Get it FREE in your email or phone just like you got this one… To get it you only have to send me a Thank You Gift of Any Amount for this one that you are holding now . Yes you heard me right!  I don’t mind how much – all I need is your Thank You! Just Click the Button Below to Send Your Thank You Gift for this book and you will automatically receive the latest Life Capsules book upon release – for FREE Again. You will also get links to download all the other ones that you missed. PS: To Send Your Gift through EFT or EcoCash Simply WhatsApp/Text the word GIFT to +27 62 774 1234 – you will get details Thank You, Mo 23

  26. Moffat Machingura ?Looking back I find that there is nothing that I achieved without first making a mistake. If I am not ready to make mistakes then I am not ready to succeed.? Moffat Machingura Isn?t it funny? Our first lovers hardly become our marriage partners even though ?the first cut is the deepest? and the first love is the ?purest.? American studies show that an average person goes through eight heartbreaks before finally meeting someone capable of settling down. In life and love, things do not always happen right the first time. Behind an author?s first book there are probably a bunch of other titles never been completed. For every successful business there could be many that failed, and for every successful sell there are always many rejections before it. Mistakes are part of success.  24

  27. Life Capsules for Success Questions to Ask Yourself 1. What 3 things am I most thankful for in my life? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Which two people do I love the most in my life? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. Which one person loves me the most in life? _________________________________________________________________ 25

  28. Moffat Machingura ?One disadvantage cannot hinder all my potential. I do?’t ha?e to spe?d the whole of my life trying to be perfect, I perfect myself as I go.? Moffat Machingura We want to get fully ready before we get started, yet most times it is only getting started that will make you fully ready. There are some things that you can only learn by beginning. Readiness is measured not by how much you know before you get started, but by how much you are willing to learn, unlearn and relearn after you get started. All skills are learnable. Running a successful business can be learnt, being a good parent can be learnt, being a good student started can be learnt. It is only those unwilling to learn who are not yet ready, no matter how much more they know.  26

  29. Life Capsules for Success ?We all fail at something every day: Failure to scratch our backs Failure to show up on time Failure to finish food in our plates BOTTOM LINE: Failure is part of life; do not make it a big deal.? Moffat Machingura If we were to count all the mistakes you make in a day, you would find enough to wish the next day doesn?t come. Your success in life will be greatly influenced by how you understand and handle failure.Here are three precious truths about failure. i) Failure is part of life. We can only reduce failure but we cannot eradicate it. ii) Failure is never final. Failure can actually be the beginning of intelligent action. iii) Failing does not make you a failure. It is quitting after you fail that makes you a failure.  27

  30. Moffat Machingura ?The day you told me not to make mistakes, indirectly you were telling me not to succeed; for mistakes are the way to success.? Moffat Machingura Don?t mistake the value of your mistakes. Failure is a form of feedback, it shows you what does not work. Your reward lies in how many mistakes you are willing to brave in order to find what you want. Do you know that the American continent was discovered by mistake? In my book Journey to the Center I write how Christopher Columbus wanted to go right round the world seeking a sea way to India, then he mistakenly got lost and landed on a continent far greater than his land of origin. Sometimes it takes a really big mistake to step you into a future that far outshines the darkness in your past.  28

  31. Life Capsules for Success ?You do?’t ha?e ?hat you desire because you still ha?e?’t fou?d e?ough wisdom to get you there.? Moffat Machingura It is not that God fails us, but that we fail ourselves. Heaven has given much but mankind has received so little. Every good desire residing in your heart is Life displaying that there is still more that belongs to you. The hand of Life is not shortened to give, it is the hands of mankind that are shortened to receive. What do you want to have that you don?t have? The answer to having it does not lie in fate, it lies in how much wisdom you are willing to learn. Nothing is new under the sun. Someone somewhere has already failed at what you are failing at and has written the answer in a book, or taught the solution to a group. Start being a student of wisdom. Unleash the Seeker in you!  29

  32. Moffat Machingura ?Only victory should tell you that you have failed long enough.? Moffat Machingura Margaret Thatcher would say ?sometimes you will have to fight a battle more than once to win it.? Fighting more than once can mean being defeated more than once…and yet keep trying again and again and again. The secret is in that your enemy is weaker every after a battle, even when you are the one defeated. The logic being the first blow may not crush the rock, but it creates lines of weakness that makes positive results of the next blow more promising. If you can?t apply great pressure; apply little pressure with great persistence.  30

  33. Life Capsules for Success ?You will need wisdom to create wealth, and you will need wisdom to keep it.? Moffat Machingura There is what is called the Arrogance of Ambition. When you do something and it gets you to the top, it is possible to think you have reached the top because of who you are rather than remember you have got to the top because of what you did. If you have been humble so you can reach the top, you will have to be humble to stay there. If you have been hardworking to reach for success, you have to stay hardworking to keep what you have been reaching for. If you have had to innovate to be great, you have to continue innovating to stay great. Stop saying to everyone ?Do you know who I am?? Because in reality you are still an ordinary person doing extraordinary things, and if you stop doing those things you will find yourself falling to ordinary again.  31

  34. Moffat Machingura ?Some people want to grow and start leading yet sometimes you have to start leading to grow.? Moffat Machingura Ever noticed how a woman changes when she has her first baby? She grows big, her voice changes and her face seems to widen. She may still want to talk like a girl, walk like a girl and dress like a girl – but something beautiful in its own way betrays the person who she really is: she is a mother now and not a girl anymore. That new look is necessary. It makes her baby feel secure and it intimidates other children who may want to bully her baby. Her widened face is like the shape of round sunshine in the eyes of her baby – it makes the baby laugh even before mum says anything. Her new changes bring her these new abilities.She is a mother now. BUT THE IMPORTANT THING is: she first had to have a baby in order to grow those abilities.  32

  35. Life Capsules for Success Questions to Ask Yourself 1. What are the 3 worst mistakes of your life? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. What are the 3 lessons that you learn from these three mistakes? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 33

  36. Moffat Machingura ?Leadership involves finding time to think about those things that people only talk about.? Moffat Machingura People talk. Leaders think. People talk about what should happen, leaders think how it should happen. People look at great things and say ?wow!?, leaders look at great things and say ?how?.? Asking ?how to make something happen? turns you into a learner. So you soon learn how to do something before anyone does. Learners are leaders, and leaders are learners. What is it that you have so deeply wished for yourself? Next time you bump into it along the road, or blinking on your television screen, or somewhere among the flipping pages of your leisure magazine; this time go beyond just saying ?Wow? and ask ?How?? 34

  37. Life Capsules for Success ?Leadership is the habit of doing at least one thing e?ery day that you do?’t feel like doing only for the reason that it is necessary.? Moffat Machingura In life, important things are not interesting and interesting things are not important. Success is about learning to do the important even when you do not feel like. At the end of the day people are the same in ways greater than they notice. When you don?t feel like waking up early, the truth is you have countless competitors in your field who are feeling exactly the same way at exactly that same time. If you spend the day in bed you will remain like them, if you force yourself out of bed and start working you begin to out beat them. Taking necessary action at a point when you don?t feel like, that is when it matters the most.  35

  38. Moffat Machingura ?Leaders are problem seekers before they are problem solvers.? Moffat Machingura Every time after my final semester-exam, when my college mates where packing their bags and dashing to begin their vacation, I would instead enter the colossal university library and tell myself ?at least now I can study for knowledge rather than study for an exam.? I would gobble up everything, from Psychology, to Physics, to Plato, to Marketing and to Biology. Then one vacation I was again left behind, standing alone among the tall library bookshelves, that is when a deep life question struck me: ?With all these books in the world, how come the world is still the same? Is it that all the books in the world don?t have answers?? That?s when I realized most times it?s not like we don?t know the solution, but that we don?t know the problem. Right now you do have it all that is needed to solve your life?s problem, but first you have to know what your life?s problem really is. What is the real problem with your life? 36

  39. Life Capsules for Success ?Leadership is less about making people do and more about making people willing to do.? Moffat Machingura Your life's journey to success involves working with people. You have to learn how to get the best from people who work with you and those who work for you. People are not paper documents that you can file up, pack up and impose order on them. Maxwell says, you manage things but you lead people. The art of leadership is not in commanding people to take action, leadership is in making people willing to take the action. Always let your people know they are necessary, and always acknowledge the importance of the action they are making in the organization. creativity. Willingness unlocks 37

  40. Moffat Machingura ?Great people do not run out of problems, they just suffer greater ones and leave common problems to common men.? Moffat Machingura Teachers are solving ignorance problems. Doctors are solving health problems. Comedians and movie actors are solving entertainment problems. In life we are rewarded for the problems that we solve. If you want greater reward solve greater problems.  38

  41. Life Capsules for Success ?To succeed in business, create great quality in great quantity.? Moffat Machingura Give a customer a good product and they will jubilantly tell five more people about it; but give that customer a bad product – they will tell twenty! Quality creates loyalty. Quality markets itself. If you want to be in business for a short time give people anything, if you want to be in business forever give people quality. Then remember quantity is just as important as quality. The moment you develop a reputation that your good product is never available, you tip off your competitors to start being successful at the expense of your advertising.  39

  42. Moffat Machingura ?You know your dream is too small if you still think you can do it on your own.? Moffat Machingura Every rock star needs a band. Ben 10 needs a team. You don?t have to do it on your own. You grow from being dependent to being independent, but that is not enough. To be successful you need to grow higher into being interdependent. That means you must be able to complement your weaknesses with the strengths of others. You will find people with a part of your dream inside them. Call them into your dream and let them play that part. They might not do precisely as you dreamt, but don?t worry, if it?s their dream too they will do it much better.  40

  43. Life Capsules for Success Questions to Ask Yourself 1. What 3 qualities do you need to develop right now in order to be a better leader? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. What 3 things can you do to develop those qualities? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 41

  44. Moffat Machingura ?It ?as?’t i? our skill that ?e prospered, but in our humility to accept the services of people more skillful than we were.? Moffat Machingura I remember visiting a movie shoot this other day. I thought that way I would have watched the movie before its release. But I was wrong. In front of the screen a movie is one synchronized beautiful story, but behind the scenes it is scattered dust – difficult to watch. It is a bunch of people doing the same thing over and over again, till they reach perfection. Make-up artists keep calling back actors for cosmetic re- application, the guys in charge of lighting keep measuring light intensity and the director keeps commenting something about a camera view. Meanwhile, the actors keep rehearsing. But best of all: I learnt that the movie is more than the main actor. Similarly, you are the main actor of your life but always remember you need the talents of others for your life to be a beautiful movie story. 42

  45. Life Capsules for Success ?Your intelligence is reflected in your curiosity.? Moffat Machingura When a falling apple hit his head, Isaac Newton asked himself why apples fall down instead of fall up. That crazy question led Newton to discovering one of the most influential laws of physics, the famous law of gravity. His discovery came because he was curious to know what, how and why. Growing up I used to read love and relationships advice books. I remember at age ten, I would secretly read my mum and dad?s marriage guide, while squatting behind their bed. I was curious. I never knew that one day, my first book How I Kissed Heartbreak Goodbye was going to be on love and relationships. Neither did I know so many love relationships would owe their improvements to my work. Your curiosity is a pointer to your intelligence. It is a sign to the issues your brain is tailored to understand and solve. Go on be curious! Just in case someone told you curiosity killed the cat, here is good news – it didn?t!  43

  46. Moffat Machingura ?What you keep in-front of you is what will come from within you.? Moffat Machingura | Cinderella Taught me Lessons I remember a rule in a hundred metre race: Keep looking forward, you lose speed every time you try looking at your opponent. In other words if you want to reach the finish line faster keeping focus on the finish line. If you want a happy marriage, stop focusing on your mum and dad?s broken marriage. Look for couples around you who have made it, and keep company with them. Place in front of you what you would desire for your future. On your wall place the photos of your future. Download your dream house and display it as a wallpaper on your desktop. Just Focus alone can be a source of speed. Where the mind goes the man follows. We become what we always think about.  44

  47. Life Capsules for Success ?You are always more able than you think, and can do more than you have ever tried.? Moffat Machingura Have you ever had blue mornings? Those are the days you wake up not feeling like waking up. Life feeling like it is demanding more than you could ever give. All your unfulfilled hopes flood your mind making you feel like your best effort is not even good enough. Deep inside you find yourself asking, ?What more can I give besides all that I am??Well the answer is… relax.  . You can never give all that you have. I remember as little boy failing to fix some electronic gadget. I would quit and play with something else. When I had almost forgot about the gadget a solution comes ?Aha!? in my mind. This time the gadget that took me whole day to fail only takes an instance to fix. Many people quit when all they need is a break.  45

  48. Moffat Machingura ?It’s ?he? I had ?orked so hard and changed my life that I realised the real thing that had changed was me.? Moffat Machingura Often we think of changing the world, changing people, changing our clothes but not of changing ourselves. But we have the friends that we have because: we have attracted them by being the people that we are. That is why we get rid of them and find others exactly like them. We let go of heartbreakers and fall into heartbreakers. It is not the world that must change, but ourselves. After you succeed, you realize you are still in the same world, the only thing that changed is what you do with the world that you have. Others waste it, but you invest it. Others doubt, but you believe. Some say ?wow!? but you learn ?how?? Some wait but you pursue. Others see greatness and ask ?how can it be?? but you see it and ask ?how can it not be?? Success demands you to transform.  46

  49. Life Capsules for Success ?The most important thing was not having it all, but who you became by having it all.? Moffat Machingura In the Biblical texts, Jesus said to his disciples ?Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.? I don?t think the disciples at first understood the true meaning of that statement. It meant they were going on a journey that makes them someone else. Meaning following Jesus was not a journey to Capernaum or Jerusalem, it was a journey into their own better selves. The most important thing was not going far with Jesus, the important thing was who you became after going that far, having seen what he did and heard what he said. Pursue the best of life, but after you have it all you are going to realize it is still the same life. It still has battles and victories and failures. But what only changed is that you have become a more complex person solving more complex problems and winning more complex victories.  47

  50. Moffat Machingura ?I went looking for a new world, I found what I really needed were new eyes.? Moffat Machingura In this world there is enough to make each of us have more than enough! And plenty of reasons every one of us should laugh. There is plenty of space to keep us safe, and plenty of opportunities to create our best of life. That is how the same waves that sink some, turns others into skillful mariners. The same chaos depressing the hearts of many, is for others a platform of creativity and success. We do not need to go looking for a new world, what we really need are new eyes. Even if one day we find another living planet by looking out there, to turn it into a living world is something we will only do by looking within. My friend have you made a moment to look within you? Look within and see how the way you see is affecting the way you live. Whosoever looks within, awakens!  48

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