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The_Ultimate_Kettlebell_Training_&_Fat_Loss_Book best fitness and health

My intent with this book is to provide you with the information that I<br>personally used to see results. My goal is to educate you on the principles<br>of proper nutrition and exercise. There are no health claims made with<br>the material provided to you in this eBook.<br>The author and publisher of this ebook will have no liability or<br>responsibility to any person with respect to any of the information<br>contained in this book. The user assumes all risks for any injury, loss or<br>damage alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by using any of<br>the information described in this eBook.

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  1. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book By Corey Lewis Aka Sergeant Slim 1

  2. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Legal Notice This book is © 2012 Corey Lewis. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited. The information contained in this publication is for general information purposes only. While we endeavour to keep the information up-to-date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the publication or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained in this publication for any purpose. Any reliance you, the reader place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including but not limited to; indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits stemming from or in connection with the use of this publication. We cannot guarantee results as results will differ from person to person and will depend on the effort taken. You are taking the decision to try this method, and there are no guarantees to your success. No part of this eBook may be reproduced, copied or transmitted by any means – electronic or hard copy, including photocopying and recording - without expressly written and signed permission from the author. Violations of this copyright will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law. BUSINESS CONTENT DISCLOSURE: The author of this eBook may have an affiliate relationship and/or another business connection to the providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within this book....and may be compensated when you buy from a provider. Always perform due diligence before buying anything online via the Internet...or offline, for that matter. MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this eBook is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as medical or professional advice. You should always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, nutrition or exercise program. 2

  3. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book My intent with this book is to provide you with the information that I personally used to see results. My goal is to educate you on the principles of proper nutrition and exercise. There are no health claims made with the material provided to you in this eBook. The author and publisher of this ebook will have no liability or responsibility to any person with respect to any of the information contained in this book. The user assumes all risks for any injury, loss or damage alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by using any of the information described in this eBook. BUSINESS CONTENT DISCLOSURE: The author of this book has an affiliate relationship and/or another business connection to the providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within this book....and may be compensated when you buy from a provider. Always perform due diligence before buying anything online via the Internet...or offline, for that matter. best fitness in heath product here 3

  4. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Contents Introduction............................................................... 6 Chapter 1: Why Do I Gain Weight? ............................. 8 The Major Causes of Weight Gain .................................................... 8 Should I Go On A Diet? ................................................................ 11 How Diets Work .......................................................................... 17 Industry Secrets ......................................................................... 20 Chapter 2: What Do I Do Now? ................................ 23 Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone ............................................... 24 Who to Approach When You Want to Lose Weight? .......................... 25 Persisting Through Failure ............................................................ 26 Buddy System ............................................................................ 28 Why Maintaining a Daily Schedule is Critical ................................... 28 Chapter 3: Healthy Nutrition and Its Benefits .......... 30 Calories In - Calories Out ............................................................. 30 Clean Eating ............................................................................... 32 Water Is Your Best Friend ............................................................. 33 Chapter 4: The Importance of Exercise .................... 35 Exercising .................................................................................. 35 Why HIIT is Better Than Running .................................................. 36 Add Strength Training With Kettlebells to Your Routine ..................... 38 Chapter 5: Living the Healthy Lifestyle .................... 75 The Secrets of Staying Healthy ..................................................... 76 The Advantages of Staying Healthy ............................................... 78 Chapter 6: The Best Diet Supplements ..................... 80 Daily Vitamin Supplements: Why You Need Them ............................ 82 Why? Is There an Answer? ........................................................... 85 Now, This Is Where The Balance Comes In ..................................... 85 Which Meal Replacement Shake? ................................................... 86 Natural Testosterone Supplements ................................................ 87 Nutritional Supplements for Athletes .............................................. 90 4

  5. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Conclusion: Ready…Set…Go! ................................... 94 About Corey Lewis: .................................................. 96 best fitness product 5

  6. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Introduction Is this finally the time you are going to say “Enough Is Enough”? I am ready to start on a path to a healthier me, I’m NOT gonna make any more excuses and I am going to make a change by shedding some of those extra pounds…No matter what!!! If it is then get ready to… DROP THE FAT ACT AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I’m simply amazed at what I see on the Saturday morning and late night infomercials. They tout these gadgets and gimmicks that promise easy weight loss. How many of us have seen these “ab gadgets” that we sit in and rock and the fat just seems to melt away? Have you read the very small print at the bottom of the screen? Well it essentially tells you that you must implement some form of diet in order for it to be effective. In this day and age it is easy to be tempted by promises of rapid weight loss that are given by certain weight loss programs, or offered as a result of “magic diet pills”, or other “miracle weight loss diets”. But honestly, it is a total load of B.S. There are a few basic truths you should know before you decide on how you will proceed. First, realize that there is NO miracle weight loss treatment. While It is possible to lose significant weight by adhering to a highly restrictive or other popular fad diet, in reality the biggest problem with that is it is not sustainable long-term. 6

  7. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Besides the obvious negative side-effects to your health, I’ve come to realize that the word “diet” conjures up restrictions in my mind. When you look in the dictionary for diet here’s one of the definitions: “a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight.” It is no wonder diets don’t work! Studies have shown that the majority of people who are overweight and embark on a crash diet, that they regain the weight lost almost instantly. They are then in a much worse state of health than those who remain at their original overweight size. Let’s be candid with each other, losing weight hasn’t changed since we’ve walked this earth on 2 legs. What’s changed is the marketing of how to lose weight. In the end, you must have negative energy balance. How do you achieve negative energy balance? First, you can decrease the amount of food you are eating each day. Secondly, you can increase the intensity of your workout sessions. And lastly, you can apply a combination of the first two. That’s it. With that being said... there is no miracle, only tried and tested nutritional and exercise advice, and this is what this book is all about. The goal of this book is to cut through the BS that exists all over the Internet and to help you finally make a lifestyle change and help you finally achieve the goal weight you’ve decided is best for you. Today is the day to make the decision to LOSE THE FAT AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE…FOREVER Follow along with me on my blog at www.sergeantslim.com/blog for tons of real weight loss tips. 7

  8. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Chapter 1: Why Do I Gain Weight? With the rush of our everyday lives, the advancement of technology, along with the conveniences of fast food, it sure is hard to stay active and eat a healthy, balanced diet. But if you know how to do it, it can be done, even with a busy lifestyle. In this first section of the book we are going to look at: The main reasons why we gain weight The people we need to talk to when we decide we are ready to lose the weight Why keeping yourself on a schedule actually helps you to lose the weight Weight loss secrets Plus many other subjects that will help you to learn how to finally take the weight off and keep it off once and for all The Major Causes of Weight Gain We eat more calories than our body needs in a day, so the excess gets stored as fat. We all know this, but why is it that 63% of Americans are fat or overweight? Look at the size of the portions we eat today, they are enormous. When we consume more food than we are burning, we are in positive energy balance. In essence we store the excess as fat. This can be a good thing, if we were cavemen and we know if we were not going to eat for 7 days, but for those of us who live in western society, this simply isn’t the case. • You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep. If you are dieting and exercising and still not losing weight, it might be time to address any sleep issues you may have. Two Canadian Obesity experts in the Canadian Medical Association Journal report that there is mounting evidence that suggests a 8

  9. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book link between weight loss and sleep. In fact, the study found that people who go to bed late actually consume 400 to 500 more calories! • Your metabolic rate. As we age, we lose about 10% of our metabolic rate every ten years after the age of 25. However, this can be stopped if you do kettlebell training as prescribed in this book. In essence when we have more lean muscle, our metabolic rate is increased because our bodies have to repair the muscle from the workout causing more muscle to be built. Whereas when we are sedentary, this doesn’t occur and we get fatter! • You have poor eating habits. In my research for this book, I discovered that people in the West are 30lbs heavier today than they were 100 years ago. What’s even more interesting is they ate more fat! What they didn’t eat was processed food. Jack Lallane said it best, “If man-made don’t eat it.” You see sugars, starches, and most anything with flour is turning us into a society of obesity. In 2009 according to F.A.S.T.Foodfacts.com the fast food industry alone spent 4.2 billion dollars on advertising! No wonder we are fat. Many folks have found a meal planner to be useful to help guide them in the right direction. • Larger portion sizes. We all know this. I’ll use fast food chains as an example. The size of the soft drinks, and fries has increased from when I was a kid. Most people are simply eating too much. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, this meal planner can help you realize what a portion should look like. • Exercise or the lack thereof. This is killing us as a western society. According to designedtomove.org, for the first time today’s kids are the first generation with a shorter life expectancy than their parents. The human body is designed to move. Regular exercise is essential to getting to and maintaining a healthy weight-and so is what you eat, how you eat and how much you eat. I invite you to follow along Sergeant Slim as he prepares to become the fittest man in the world. 9

  10. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Learn portion control. A simple rule of thumb here without weighing or measuring is to use your hand for measuring. Men-you need 2 portions of protein and ladies you need 1 portion. A portion would be the size of your palm. For carbohydrates, both men and women should select a portion that is the size of your fist. Lastly, fats, like mixed nuts, walnuts, etc, think the size of your thumb. For men you should eat protein the same size as your palm. This is usually a huge factor for most people, and they do not realize how much they are actually eating. A portion of food the size of your fist is generally all that should be eaten at one time, because that is the size of your stomach as well. Stop eating when you are 80% full. This is a technique that I employ 90% of the time, and it obviously will help you consume less food. Think portion control here, as what better way to control what you are putting into your mouth than eating less food each meal. This will equal a lot of weight loss over the course of a year. Try slowing down your eating and don’t eat in the car, standing, or walking. The only time you should eat is at a table. The reason for eating slow is that your brain receives a signal to tell you when you are full. When you are eating fast, the signal is not received by the brain and you tend to over eat as you are not “full”. I understand that you get busy, when you are busy a healthy meal replacement may help you achieve a healthy body weight. Another thing to watch of course is your intake of fatty and sugary foods. We all need nutrients, including healthy fats, to keep us balanced, but eating a lot of junk food and sugary drinks will attribute greatly to us gaining more weight. Processed foods don’t generally have a lot of nutrients in them, or any at all, and they are high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. 10

  11. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book People tend to use their busy lifestyles as an excuse to gain weight. This is where you really need to plan ahead to avoid any traps that will cause you to make poor nutrition choices. As a famous bodybuilder once said, “Tupperware is a key piece of equipment when training.” I couldn’t agree more. With a meal planner like the one in the link, you can prepare your meals for the week, and receive a shopping list for everything that you need for all of your meals. Then use the Tupperware and prepare those meals on Sunday, freeze them, and take them out each morning for the day. No thinking involved, as you already know what you are eating for the day. Now breakfast can be a tough one to get in, so rather than make a poor choice or not eating at all, I recommend a meal replacement to keep you on track. Should I Go On A Diet? The short answer is absolutely not. They don’t work for the long-term. As we’ve already discussed, with heavy marketing of the latest “diet fad”, it’s hard to not get caught up in all of the hype. This is exactly what Corey Lewis discusses in his book Sergeant Slim’s Weapons of Mass Reduction. Instead of diet, think lifestyle change, because this will develop a lifetime of healthy eating and exercise habits rather than the short term diet fix. Do you like cutting out entire food groups such as carbohydrates or drinking weight loss shake after weight loss shake that simply do not taste very good and do not fill you up? It seems like most folks will start a diet around some life events like a wedding, a high school or family reunion, or the big one-New Year’s Resolution. If that is your only goal, I would encourage you to do your homework and consider Sergeant Slim’s Weapons of Mass Reduction which is more of a common sense approach to achieving a healthy weight. At least when 11

  12. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book you achieve your short term goal, you understand how to maintain the weight loss long-term. Setting Goals…Think SMART Before embarking on any kind of change to our normal everyday lives, you’ve got to have a reason why you are doing them. These would be considered goals. The reason why goals are important is that you will quit when the going gets hard. Maybe, you recently went from a size 40 pants to size 42 and you are tired of being heavy. Perhaps, your doctor has told you that you need to lose 50 pounds or face the real possibility of a heart attack. Your goals have got to be real. You do this by writing them down so that you can display them somewhere and see them every single day. The formula I like to utilize is the acronym S.M.A.R.T. Specific: If you only have a general idea about where you are headed, is a sure way to fail before you even begin. If you were planning to drive in New York City, you wouldn’t just drive to reach a specific location would you? In contrast, you would have detailed instructions before setting out, to ensure that you made it to your specific destination. In the same token, a broad statement like, “I want to get in better shape” simply won’t cut the mustard. It has no power behind it, and you won’t even know if you’ve reached your goal. How so? If you simply lost a single pound, technically you would be in better shape than when you started! Clearly, this is probably not what you had in mind, so get specific, and nail down precisely what you really want. Try a goal like, “I want to lose 35 pounds and fit into the same pants I wore in college, by the end of this year.” See the difference? You will now know when you’ve arrived at your destination, if you use details like this. 12

  13. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Measurable: This goes hand in hand with keeping your statement specific, as your goal needs to be measurable. What does this mean? Make sure your statement answers a definitive question like, “how much?” Using the same example from above, the answer would be 35 pounds. However, you can take this even further, to help you stay on track. Instead of only including your overall goal, create smaller milestones that you’d like to hit along the way. You could say something like, “I want to lose 35 pounds, meaning I have to shed at least 3 pounds every month for an entire year.” This gives you a great way to track your progress, which will help you to stay motivated. After all, as the old Chinese proverb says, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In the same way, you can’t lose 35 pounds all at once, buy you can lose 1 pound this week! Attainable: This one is self-explanatory, and you need to keep your goal within the realm of reason. Don’t expect to get on the treadmill one time, and drop twenty pounds in one day! Instead, you need to break down your goal into bite-sized pieces, which are aggressive enough to keep you working hard, yet achievable too. Otherwise, after a few weeks of failing to hit your expectations, you may give up altogether. It would be better to set your goal lower, and then ratchet it up as you exceed it consistently every week. Realistic: An attainable goal is by its very nature realistic, but there is a subtle difference between the two. It may be possible to hit a certain benchmark, but you may not be willing or able to do so. For example, while lowering your body fat to 7 percent may be physically possible in theory, it may not be realistic! If you are starting out as a couch potato, or 100 pounds overweight, then your goal should be to get in reasonable shape. Trying to go from your present condition to the 13

  14. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book fitness level of a triathlete isn’t truly realistic, and you may be setting yourself up for disillusionment down the road. The fact that it is possible (attainable), doesn’t mean you have a reasonable chance of success (realistic). So, try to keep your goal somewhere in the middle, and you will be fine! A good statement would be, “I want to lower my body fat percentage from 22 down to only 14 percent in seven months.” However, remember that a challenging goal may make your task easier, because it will keep you motivated. Setting the bar too low, can leave you feeling bored. Only you can decide where the right balance is, and you can always set your sights higher midway through, if you need an extra kick in the pants! Time Determined: You have probably noticed that each example has a specific time frame included. This is essential, as otherwise you won’t know how to plan along the way. If you give yourself 2 years to lose 50 pounds, then you’d only have to burn off 2 pounds a month. However, if you plan to drop the weight in only 1 year instead, then you’ll have to double that figure. Therefore, your deadline is a critical part of your goal, and it should be very specific. Now What? Okay, now you have a targeted goal in hand, which you’ve worked hard to make compelling! What’s the next step, and how can you use this to its fullest effect? As already mentioned, you need to reinforce this goal every day, by displaying it somewhere you will see it consistently. This will remind you what you are after, and it can help you to build new habits as well. It only takes 21 days to start a new habit or routine, so after three weeks of eating right and exercising, you will have a much easier 14

  15. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book time of things. However, if you’ve struggled with your weight for years, you may be very entrenched in your sedentary lifestyle and patterns of eating. You may need to get aggressive, and try something a bit crazy to snap yourself out of this rut! Is a poor doctor’s report what is finally pushing you to lose weight? Then put up your clinical notes, blood tests or just a reminder about your poor level of health right next to your written goal. Why on earth would you do something so morbid? You see, if you are like most people, you will want to forget about this unsettling news as soon as you can. This is only natural, as you don’t want to dwell on things which make you uncomfortable. However, it is important that you do so, as this can give you more motivation than you’ve ever had in your life. Seeing those test results or your doctor’s note every morning, will drive home that you can’t afford to give up this time. Or, perhaps you have a more positive reason instead, like fitting into a smaller dress size for an upcoming event. Why not put up a picture of the dress in question, or even the dress itself? This may sound a bit unorthodox, but seeing your goal before you in living color every day, will make it easier to pass on those donuts at work. When you’re tempted to break your diet or skip your time at the gym, the picture of that dress will be fresh in your mind. This may sound simplistic, but it really works! So, why not give it a try, as you could begin seeing results like never before. Get Support: At this point, you may think that you are finished, as you have come up with a SMART goal and placed it where you will see it daily. While this is a 15

  16. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book great start, you still need one final element to succeed! You see, most people fail because they don’t put a support system in place, to help them through the really tough times. These will inevitably come, and you will be tempted to call it quits at least once along your personal road to weight loss. You may simply be having a hard day at work, be sore from your last workout, or tempted to eat a whole chocolate cake because you’re depressed! Whatever the specific scenario, there will come a time when you need someone to lean on, to help you through a rough patch. Who should you turn to for your personal support team? Obviously, you need someone who cares for you, and who is on board with your weight loss efforts. If you can get your spouse to help, this is ideal, as they likely see you every day. Also, you probably eat at least one meal together daily as well, so they can keep an eye on your dietary habits too! However, unfortunately your spouse may not be willing to change, and they may even be resistant to your plan to lose weight. They may be out of shape too, but aren’t ready to change themselves, so they will only be a negative influence instead. If this is the case, you need even more support from other friends or relatives, to offset the support you aren’t receiving at home. In fact, it is best to enlist the help of a friend who is already in shape, as they know what it takes to keep the pounds off. Also, they won’t be tempted to skip workouts or eat unhealthy meals, meaning they won’t cave if you plead them to let you do so. If you don’t know anyone like this, then try to locate a friend that you can get in shape with, as you can partner to lose the weight together. This can be a powerful motivator, as if you are meeting someone at the gym, you can’t skip your workout. Also, knowing that you will have to report what you’ve been eating to them, will give you an extra incentive to stick to your diet too. 16

  17. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Get a Free Personal Trainer: Along with having a friend or spouse for support, you can also take advantage of my experience too. Follow exactly what I do every day to stay in the best shape of my life at www.sergeantslim.com/blog . There you can see how I plan my meals, and what workouts I’m using. This is like having your very own personal trainer, without having to pay a dime for the privilege. Also, remember, you can contact me if you have any questions, and I am here to make sure that you succeed in losing the weight. Putting it All Together: By now you know how to write a terrific goal, which will keep you highly motivated. Just be sure to keep it Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Determined! With all of these factors in place, you will know precisely where you are going, and also when you’ve reached your destination. Then, just look at it at least once a day, to keep your new goal firmly in mind. The next step is to enlist your spouse or a close friend for support, to help you stay on track whenever you are tempted to take a detour. Finally, you can take advantage of my free blog at http://www.sergeantslim.com/blog, which is like having your own personal trainer. With all of these working together, you will be well positioned for a successful outcome to your weight loss journey. How Diets Work Losing weight is simple; you simply must consume fewer calories than your body requires on a daily basis. Obviously, we eat because it is a necessity in order to keep our body functioning. If we consume more food than we require we will gain weight. Think about this, if we are consuming just 300 calories extra per day, over the course of the year this could equate to a weight gain of over 20lbs! This would be considered positive energy balance, because we are consuming more calories than we require. “So in essence a diet is supposed to help you lose those extra calories” 17

  18. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Going forward think of a diet as a feeding plan where you would control the amount of calories eaten. Eating fewer calories is one of the methods you can employ to losing weight. Don’t be lulled into thinking that just because fruits and vegetables are healthy you can snack on them all day. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Remember, total calories are what matters in the end. These foods still have calories. My meal planner enables you to determine the number of calories you need based upon your weight loss goals and lets you eat the foods that you want to eat. A lot of people believe that since they’ve substantially reduced the number of calories on their feeding plan, they will be hungry. This can occur. However, If you are able to eat every 2-4 hours then the hunger pangs can be minimized. A simple formula to utilize is to divide the number of hours that you are awake by three. Suppose you are awake 15 hours per day, so your goal should be 5 meals. When you use my meal planner it will have calculated that you needed 1500 calories for the day or an average of 300 calories per meal. This meal planner makes your chances to succeed that much better. If you get busy at work, and are unable to eat a meal, then a meal replacement can keep you on track. I do rely upon these a number of times throughout the week, as life happens. At the beginning phase of your nutritional plan, I don’t encourage you to skip any meal, as this could lead to what I call “compensating”. In essence, psychologically at your next meal, you will tend to over feed, because you’ve missed a meal. This will inevitably lead to eating more food, and gaining weight. The reason that most people fail on diets is that they are simply too restrictive. Don’t think that you simply need to drink water, and eat vegetables for the entire day. No, that simply won’t be sustainable long term. With my meal planner, you determine the number of calories, and then 18

  19. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book craft a meal plan for each day of the week based upon the foods that you want to eat, not what some diet guru tells you that you have to eat. The reason a meal planner is so important for a lot of people is it takes the guess work out of exactly what they need to eat in order to lose weight. The most common question I get in regards to weight loss is, “what can I eat?” This question can finally be answered. Rule of Thumb When you want to keep a diet plan, discipline is one of the most important factors. Weight loss through proper diet will take from months to years to achieve your proper weight. Any diet that is extreme and promotes speedy results can turn into a form of yo-yo dieting. Yo-yo dieting is a term where a person following a diet and manage to lose his weight but eventually will eat and gain more than he lost. This happens because the diet he followed was too extreme; limiting his food intake and forbidding a lot of food categories. So he cannot take this diet thus giving in and eating more. Or it can be due to the lack of discipline after the targeted weight is achieved. This is usually the cause when you go for extreme hyper caloric diet. So to avoid that, you need to think lifestyle, and learn to eat healthy, exercise frequently, and get proper rest. Initially changing your bad habits will be difficult. However, if you stick to your new feeding plan for at least 21 to 30 days, it should lay a good foundation for success. Changing your diet from one that was unhealthy to healthy will require support from your spouse or significant other. I’ve seen too many times where the one closest to you will sabotage your efforts. Why not let get them on board with your new feeding plan? Even if they don’t have to lose weight, there are many health benefits to making this change. The last reason a meal planner is crucial to success is that my meal planner has hundreds of different combinations. I know that I couldn’t 19

  20. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book survive on chicken and broccoli every day, so how do I expect you to do the same? With the variety of foods (including the ones that you like) available you won’t get bored, and your chances for success will be greatly increased. Just remember if you have fallen off of the wagon, and perhaps eaten a meal or two that broke the calorie count for the day, simply get back on track the next day. In the end you simply need to be compliant 90% of the time. Obviously, you can’t do this every day, but once a weekwon’t put much of damper on your weight loss goals. Industry Secrets There are several things that the weight loss industry is not telling you – nor do they want you to know. Their business is booming thanks to all the fads, gadgets and pills out there that they are selling to people desperate to lose weight. Unfortunately, the only thing in most cases that is getting lighter is peoples’ wallets. Many of these things do not work, and only a small percentage of people buying into one of them manage to lose the weight and keep it off. Some of These Industry Secrets Include: Most weight loss product ads deceive the buyer. A majority of the weight loss products you hear about on the radio and see on infomercials don’t even do what they claim to. Even so, consumers are lured into buying these products with promises like “Lose the weight and keep it off”, “Eat whatever you want” and “no diet or exercise required”. Basically, if it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. Just because they say it’s “scientifically proven” or “doctor- endorsed” doesn’t mean it works. These claims are typical as well, but they never tell you anything about where the studies were made or by who so that you can check out the validity for yourself. 20

  21. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book And what does it really mean anyway? Often these so-called health professionals have a financial interest in the product, and probably did not review the scientific evidence. If it was reviewed, they may not have even used acceptable review standards. Why would you want to risk your health on such a thing? Just because the government allows a product to be on the market does not mean it is safe for consumers or that it does what it claims. There is a huge misconception that the government would not allow a product on the market if it could potentially be harmful to you. People tend to think that the government has to pre-approve them first, but many times that is not the case. Products toted as ‘natural’ or ‘herbal’ are not guaranteed safe. People also assume that just because a product is made of natural ingredients means it must be safe as well. But until the FDA receives evidence that a product is harmful, the companies are free to put their products on the market. Not everything you hear is true, and you shouldn’t believe it. There are plenty of products that claim to do things that they just do not, and you should steer away from products making high and lofty claims. Don’t buy into the claims of fad diets, either. Anything that requires sudden and radical changes to your eating patterns is very difficult to sustain over time. They will send you into a quick cycle of weight loss which is always followed by a rebound period where you gain the weight back and then some in certain instances once you’re normal eating resumes. Plus, the next time you try to take the weight off, it makes it all that much more difficult. There are no health benefits to these diets, and if any one of them worked, do you really think there would be the need for new ones? You also can not count on the money back guarantee. You have about as 21

  22. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book good of a chance on getting your money back as having the product actually do what it claims to. There is also no quick fix or magic pill that will help you to finally lose weight. If the product is making such claims, you can just about guarantee that they won’t work. 22

  23. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Chapter 2: What Do I Do Now? To make any diet a successful one, you need to be committed to it. Only with the right mind set can you reach success. To prepare yourself, you need to know what stage you are in before you can move on the next stage of your diet. It might not be obvious but it is there. The First stage is pre-contemplation. You do not see yourself as being over-weight. You do not feel like changing yourself. Only strong pressure will lead you to seek help. But then you would resist and just be demoralized as you see your own situation as hopeless. Second is contemplation. This is where you acknowledge that you have an over-weight problem and start to think of a solution. But you are not willing to perform that solution. You would just think about it, knowing what actions to take to make a change but never ready to do so. You will procrastinate about performing the solution. Third is preparation. You've finally decided to do something about your overweight problem. You move on from brooding about your problem to realizing your solution. You would also start to think about the future where you are slimmer and feeling much healthier. But at this stage you are not fully committed yet. You would still have second thoughts about the solution as it requires you to change your lifestyle. Fourth is action. You start to take action in losing weight. You would start choosing the food you eat and do some form of exercise every day. It is the first step in achieving your targeted goal. You should always set goals when losing weight. If you don't set your goals, then it's very possible that your whole dieting plan might not go the way you imagine it. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” List the following: 23

  24. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book What is your current situation right now? List all your eating habits, food preferences, everything that could affect your weight loss. Working out, etc What is the reason you want to lose weight? This could be an upcoming event, summer, or even for a certain special someone. List the single BIGGEST reason you can think of. What are the benefits you get from your weight loss? List AS MANY as you can. It can be health, better energy, admired by partner, etc. This should be your main motivator. Your Goal. “I want to lose XX lbs of weight in XX days” - Write this in bold and make it really sink in. I would personally say that setting a goal of more than 10 lbs per 2 weeks is not realistic, especially if this is your first attempt at a goal like this. Be realistic. You must write “I want” not “I wish” Write everything down and look at that paper every day. Put it in a place where you can see it. Once you see it every day, you will constantly be reminded of WHY you do this and what the benefits are. BE PERSISTENT ONCE YOU TAKE ACTION BECAUSE IT’S NOT GOING TO BE EASY Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone If you see yourself making excuses rather than STARTING a diet that is effective, you should think about why you don't really want to lose weight. You must be able to step out of your comfort zone and as Nike's famous slogan goes JUST DO IT! The final step would be maintenance. You need to keep the momentum going that you have in the action stage. If at any time you lose your commitment or support, then you would fall back to any of the previous stages. 24

  25. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book So the final stage is the most important stage in your diet plan as you need to keep your commitment going for a long period of time. There are several methods you can use to keep being committed. First is to make a list about the reason why are you doing this in the first place. Look at the list daily to remind you of your goals. Do not have negative thoughts in your mind. Words like "never" or "depriving" should not be in your vocabulary. Rather than saying "never", you are just having desserts "occasionally and in moderation". And so the word "deprived" can be replaced with the word "choosing" as you choose to skip chocolate cakes. Visualize in your mind your future slim self doing all the things that you always wanted to do. This visualization will strengthen your motivation to commit to this plan and be the desire to succeed. Do this visualization daily, every time you wake up and anytime of the day you feel your commitment is weakening. Who to Approach When You Want to Lose Weight? Now that you’ve decided you want to lose weight, you should include some other people in your weight loss journey. These people can help you with many aspects, including choosing your diet plan, setting your goals and encouraging you along the way. A Dietician: A dietician will have a wide range of knowledge that can help you to understand your body and to help prepare a food plan that will fit your particular needs, because in most states and countries it is required to get a medical license before they can become a dietician. A less expensive alternative to a dietician is a meal planner. My meal planner is a patent pending system that takes a radical new approach. It works with you like your own private nutritionist or dietician to help you create completely balanced diets using your favorite foods. A Personal Trainer: The majority of people have never learned to 25

  26. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book exercise properly. I think that this is pretty important if you’ve never worked on any form of weight training. I wouldn’t commit to any long- term contract with a trainer, plus, I’d require them to learn what my goals are, and how they are going to help me achieve them. You can follow my workouts for free at www.sergeantslim.com/blog If you do follow my workouts, I would warn you that you need to scale the workouts both in weight and the length of the workouts for at least the first year. Friends and Family: I always hating doing this and I’ve got a strategy that I think you will be able to employ fairly easily. Whenever I went on my one of a hundred diets, I hated telling people. I felt as if they were judging me, because this was yet another diet I was embarking upon. Instead, when you are at the dinner table during a party, holiday, or some other special occasion, tell them (if they ask) you’re simply tryingto eat a little healthier and that you’re done with diets. For some reason, this worked for my psychologically. I believe it will work for you as well. Persisting Through Failure You’re human and yes you are going to fail at one point when you are either trying to lose weight, or maintain weight. How people succeed at weight loss is they didn't quit when it got tough, persisted through it and learned a lesson. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” 26

  27. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Those are the two keys in dealing with failure. You must persist and learn. If you slip on your diet, or miss a day of exercise, don’t sweat the minutia. Don’t let it derail you. Push it from your mind. Focus on all your positive days, not the one slip up. Remember it is all about living a healthy lifestyle, the more good days add up and before you know it bad days become few and far between. But the trick is to keep going and push through the bad days. Treat it as a cheat day and move on. This is how you persist, failing for a day is OK, just don’t let that day stretch into a week and then a month. You have to accept failures as natural and develop a tough mental state to deal with them. The second step is to learn from your mistakes. Quite often learning from your mistakes will be more efficient than learning from your successes. When you fail, treat it as a lesson learned. It is just like in business, when you fail at something, you learn the things that don’t work. This is the same with weight loss. If you have slipped off your new diet every time you drink, then maybe you should avoid drinking. If you realize that every Friday you miss out on exercise because of a late work meeting then reschedule your workout. “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” ―Thomas A Edison Failure is a natural part of life, along with death and taxes. You can’t avoid it, and even if you could you wouldn’t want to. Your life’s lessons are learned through your failures along with your successes. Don’t fear failure, persist through and learn from it. 27

  28. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Buddy System One of the best things you can do when you are trying to lose weight is to add some accountability to your routine. How do you do that? The Buddy System Having a buddy to try and lose weight with is a great motivator. You will feel more accountable to reach your weight loss goals when you are actually sharing them with someone. They can also be helpful because the person is someone that can relate to you about struggling to lose weight. You can share your triumphs in joy, and your setbacks in support. If you are working out regularly a buddy is invaluable. They can change a boring walk or jog into an exercise slash therapy session. A hike in the wilderness is always more fun with a friend along! If you are into weight lifting it is also nice to have a buddy. You guys can challenge each other while at the same time providing encouragement and practical help like spots on heavy lifts. It is sad to say but in this day and age, you can probably find yourself a weight loss buddy in your group of friends. If you can’t, don’t panic you can always do it virtually online as well. You could follow along my blog at www.sergeantslim.com/blog and comment on the progress you’re making. The bottom line is this - if you want to lose weight working with a friend can provide motivation, support as well as the always important accountability. Find your weight loss buddy now! Why Maintaining a Daily Schedule is Critical The next step in planning your weight loss goals is to set up a daily training schedule. Myself, I find that 6AM works well for me. 28

  29. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Initially, it was difficult to get up so early, but over time, it becomes a habit. Let me give you some advantages to training at this time of day: 1) Your workout is done for the day 2) Your afternoon is free for time with your kids, spouse, friends, etc. 3) If you get held over for work, no issues, your workout is already done. However, that’s my reasons for training this early in the morning. I have friends who tell me that they prefer late afternoon and early evening. Again, it doesn’t really matter what time, as much as you simply must do it. Keeping Yourself in Check: When you have a specific schedule to follow you are more likely to stick to your goals by writing everything down in a journal or other recording device like a smartphone. But, if you do miss a scheduled workout, or have an extra snack, you can keep note of it and vow to do better the next time. Knowing What You Are Doing Each Day: Having what time you are supposed to be doing your workouts or eating your meals written down can keep you in the know ahead of time. In this way you can schedule things around your workout times, rather than scheduling over them and just missing workouts altogether. This can be easy to do, and if you start doing this, it will eventually snowball into increased times where you are missing your workouts, until you are thrown off track completely. Lose More Weight: By keeping yourself on a schedule, you will tend to lose more weight in the end because you will be likely to not miss any workouts (or very, very few in the long run). If you keep going back and forth and missing your workouts, or skipping a meal and confusing your body’s metabolism, you will have a much harder time maintaining a steady rate of weight loss. 29

  30. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Chapter 3: Healthy Nutrition and Its Benefits You would have heard lots of people saying that healthy nutrition is important for a healthy body but you need to know what the actual meaning of healthy nutrition is and why it is so important. Let’s define nutrition. “Nutrition is the process of giving your body all the important and necessary elements which can help it to grow in a proper and balanced way.” This is the simplest definition of nutrition which tells you that you need to eat proper food with good basic nutrients. Healthy nutrition can make your body strong and healthy, plus it can also help your body grow and repair itself. While an unhealthy nutrition plan can make your body weaker and can make you ill and you will not be able to fight against certain minor diseases. Calories In - Calories Out Everyone who wants to lose weight has probably tried multiple diets, supplements and/or plans. There are hundreds of weight loss methods available to buy. All of them making wild promises. Here is the hard truth - there are no magical pills, diets or exercise gadgets that will make weight instantly disappear. It comes down to eating right, staying healthy and burning more calories than you take in. That is where the saying “calories in - calories out” comes from. You want to make sure you burn more calories (out) than you consume (in). Clearly, this is a simplistic view and a proper diet consists of taking more than calories into consideration. We will look at that in other chapters, but right now we want to talk about creating a calorie deficit. 30

  31. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book In order to track this you need some basic information. First off you need to figure out how many calories you burn per day naturally. This comes down to factors such as age and weight. Calculating the Number of Calories You Burn Daily BMR calculation for men (kg) in cm ) – ( 6.755 x age in years ) BMR calculation for men (pounds) in inches ) – ( 6.76 x age in years ) BMR calculation for women (kg) height in cm ) – ( 4.676 x age in years ) BMR calculation for women (pounds) in inches ) – ( 4.7 x age in years ) This formula will give you the basic calories you burn daily, just by breathing, heart pumping and etc... These are how many calories you burn if you didn’t move all day (basal metabolic rate). Once you have that number, you need to start tracking the calories you burn and the calories you consume. This can be tricky because it is a lot of information to keep track of. If you sign up for my meal planner it will calculate your BMR for you. This isn’t about starving yourself, or exercising until you are dead. It is all about being aware what you put in your body, and what you exert. Weight loss can be a struggle, but if you can manage your calories in and calories out - you can overcome! BMR = 66.5 + ( 13.75 x weight in kg ) + ( 5.003 x height BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height BMR = 655.1 + ( 9.563 x weight in kg ) + ( 1.850 x BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height 31

  32. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Clean Eating We have talked about calories in calories out - the basic weight loss guideline. It is a basic tip because you still want to make sure you are getting those calories from good sources. Keeping your calories down by eating two corn-dogs a day probably isn’t your best choice. Eating clean is an expression that doesn’t have an official term but in general it means: “Eating healthy whole foods while avoiding processed foods and refined sugars” That is a general goal to strive for, it isn’t always possible to eat completely “clean” but if you are getting the majority of your calories from clean sources then you are doing great. When you eat clean you avoid processed foods so automatically things like fast food and junk food are eliminated from your diet. If you do eat some processed food don’t fret over it, the idea is to eat leanly as much as possible. Here are some general clean eating tips: Learn to read labels! Read the nutritional information and ingredients of everything you buy. Choose whole grains when possible. Whole wheat doesn't necessarily mean whole grain either! Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They are great whole sources of clean calories Prepare more of your own meals, don’t eat out as much or buy microwaveable type meals. These meals even when “healthy”, can be loaded with things like sodium. Choose lean meats when cooking. Eating meat is fine and the protein 32

  33. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book will help build muscle and make you feel full. Chicken and fish are great meat choices. Avoid processed meats like bologna or hot dogs. Replace junk food with unsalted or lightly salted whole nuts. Check out the internet for great clean recipes: http://easy-stir-fry-recipes.com and http://low-carb-chicken- recipes.com are free sites and great recipes Don’t fret over falling off the wagon, even treat yourself to a cheat day now and then. Eating clean while out can be tough but more restaurants are offering clean menu items. A Salad can be a good choice, but if you are really hungry you might need to add some protein! Start as soon as possible! Eating clean is a great way to make sure you not only lose weight but you are overall healthy. It isn’t necessarily an easy transition and you don’t have to try and turn on a switch and do it overnight. If you are committed to losing weight and being healthy, you should choose to clean up your diet. Water Is Your Best Friend It's been suggested by research that you require at least 8 glasses of water daily, but it can depend on your weight regarding how much you actually require. You would need to divide your weight by 2. So as an example, a man weighing 180lbs would need 90 ounces of water in a day. So why do experts suggest that we drink lots of water and why is it considered so essential to a healthy life? Well first off it helps to avoid dehydration and it keeps the kidneys functioning well by assisting in the elimination of waste products. Plus it 33

  34. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book helps to increase your metabolism which helps you to lose weight. But aside from listening to what experts tell you, you should make it a priority to listen to your body first and foremost. When you are thirsty, then naturally you will drink water to replenish yourself. Depending on the kind of work that you do, you should try to get into the habit of drinking water regularly or even better, keeping a water bottle handy, especially on really hot days since the heat causes you to sweat and your body loses water and thus you will need to replenish yourself. This is why water is so important in our lives. Not only is it zero calories, it is the best source for quenching your thirst AND the healthiest. You may consider adding water to all of your meals over time and doing away with fruit drinks and sodas ultimately as it will help reduce your caloric intake and you'll also feel much better without the added sugar that comes with the other drinks 34

  35. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Chapter 4: The Importance of Exercise In this chapter I’m going to tell you what works best for melting fat like butter on a hot stove. Exercising First, the human body is designed to move, period. Besides the obvious benefits of maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising has numerous other benefits. 1) Fights disease 2) Improves your mood 3) Gives you more energy 4) Helps you sleep better 5) And better sex “A recent survey showed that seven out of ten adults do not exercise regularly and close to four out of ten are not physically active. If you do not exercise, then you will risk getting stroke, diabetes and heart disease. This has lead to death for about 300 000 people.” Before you start exercising, you should consult a physician. This is very important if you’ve been on the couch for a long time and haven’t been exercising. When it comes to fat loss, there are many different opinions in existence today. Most people start their exercise routine by running. After all, it raises your heart rate and it is aerobic too. Aerobic training is what burns the most fat, right? The answer may come as a surprise-running isn’t really that effective for fat loss. That’s because you often plateau once your body becomes conditioned by the exercise (Peele, 2010). 35

  36. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book In contrast, I’ve uncovered a method which consistently demands more with each workout, ensuring you never stagnate. Also, it is up to 3,000 percent more efficient at burning fat than your morning run! Why HIIT is Better Than Running It is called HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training and it is an innovative approach. Not only will it shorten your workout sessions, it will burn up to 9 times more fat than running does (Cossaboon). When coupled with the fact that it takes one quarter of the time to accomplish, that means it is 36 times more effective over all. How can this be possible? First, the intensity during the session itself means you burn more calories. Though a lesser percentage of these are solely from fat, since the total is greater, you come out ahead. Yet, the second way HIIT training works is the most astonishing part. After you’ve finished your workout, your metabolism is elevated for up to 24 hours afterward. That means you could be burning fat when sitting on your couch at 11PM the same night! As I love getting the most for my investment, HIIT was the perfect fit for me. Also, you don’t even have to work out every day, and 3 times per week is enough to begin getting results. I provide real life examples of this on my blog at sergeantslim.com/blog. How Does it Work? The HIIT method uses a two pronged approach to get results fast. Rather than working out at a consistent level for the duration of your session, you will utilize two different intensities instead. The first is a moderate level, and a good example is jogging at a respectable pace. The second is high intensity bursts, an example being sprinting at your top speed. 36

  37. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book You want to train at the slower speed for 2 to 2.5 minutes, then have a short session of your highest intensity for 10-30 seconds. Then resume the moderate level again, and simply repeat this template until 15-20 minutes have elapsed. At the end, your metabolism will be running in high gear, and it can stay that way for hours or even a full day afterward. Thus, you are burning fat both during your workout, and in the recuperation your body is accomplishing after the fact. This will fast forward your results, and begin to melt the fat right off of your frame. Stay In the Zone Yet, you won’t get any of these amazing benefits from your fat loss routine, if you don’t keep your heart rate up high enough. What should your target rate be for optimum HIIT efficiency? During the short periods when you are pushing yourself as hard as possible, your heart rate should be near your safe limit. How can you determine this information? First, calculate your maximum heart rate, by subtracting your age from 220. Then, you should aim for 85 percent of this number, when you are in the high intensity portion of your HIIT session (Baker, 2011). You’ll have to work harder than you’d probably guess, to hit the number of beats per minute you need to achieve the greatest effect. If you can still talk during this activity, or you aren’t struggling for breath afterward, you haven’t pushed yourself hard enough! Melt the Fat Away When you use HIIT combined with your target heart rate, you’ll have a powerful tool to help you in your weight loss program. Including this type of exercise in your fat loss routine, will speed up your efforts and elevate your results! 37

  38. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book HIIT is a more powerful fat loss method than simple cardio training, as it allows you to push the envelope even further. You see, the short bursts of intense exercise are meant to be near your maximum limit every time. You can’t feasibly keep up this level for an entire workout, meaning you’ll naturally fall into a lower level of energy expenditure. For example, while you may be able to sprint at your fastest speed for 10- 15 seconds, it isn’t possible to do so for an entire 30 minute workout. To get through the session, you must reduce your pace to a fast run, which doesn’t have the same effects on your body. Add Strength Training With Kettlebells to Your Routine In addition to your HIIT workouts, strength training with kettlebells is also a valuable tool. Many men are quick to hit the weight room, but women avoid it. You may think that this type of exercise will cause you to appear bulky and muscle-bound, rather than giving you the lean look you probably want. Yet, when you perform it in the correct fashion, weight lifting with kettlebells is highly effective for weight loss. With the workout I’ve included, you will build lean muscle giving you a nice athletic look-while maintaining your flexibility too. Load bearing activity is also beneficial for other reasons, and it has been shown to prevent osteoporosis (Rogers, 2012). While simply walking is enough to gain this benefit for your lower body, you need to lift weights to get the same bone building effects for your upper body. In addition, resistance workouts can also give your metabolism a boost for several hours after your workout is complete, adding to your weight loss results. So, for all of these positive features, women need to take full advantage of the weight room and the powerful kettlebell as well. 38

  39. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Why Train with a Kettlebell? Fair question. The first time I saw someone train with one, I didn’t really get it. But then, I was invited to participate in a workout, and then I really saw just how effective these little gems could be in getting in shape. The kettlebell originated in Russia, and unless you’ve been living in a cave in Afghanistan, have been accepted by the fitness community with open arms. Let’s discuss the numerous advantages to the kettlebell training: Makes you stronger Muscular endurance Burns Fat Weight loss Build lean muscle Mental toughness Builds a strong core and sexy abs No gym membership required Workout outside or inside Kettlebells Prepare You Life Many of us have been guilty of training for a specific event. The military, up until recently primarily trained for the pushup, sit-up and the 2 mile run. What this ended up creating was a bunch of men and women who may have had muscular endurance, but if you asked them to move any amount of weight they would collapse. 39

  40. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Move the clock ahead to 2013 and finally General Physical Preparedness (GPP) has made it not only in the military, but mainstream as well. Essentially the short answer on GPP is that you become conditioned in order to do work. Exercise and lifts with weight require some basic abilities in order to be done successfully. GPP will help you build those. This is why the kettlebell is such a powerful tool in your fitness arsenal. Just implementing the kettlebell swing, squat, and Turkish-get up will get you in the best shape of your life, and you’ll be stronger, leaner, and fitter than you’ve ever thought possible. When you think about it, the human body is only as useful as its core. If you have a weak core, you are weak. So throw out those ab gadgets, quit doing crunches, and start working with the kettlebell so that you can be prepared for anything that life throws at you. Choosing the Right Kettlebell This is a very important decision when embarking upon any kettlebell exercise program. Men should begin with a 35lb bell and women should start with an 18lb kettlebell. In the beginning these weights should get you off on the right foot and when the workouts are done with the proper intensity they are plenty heavy. The only kettlebell you should consider are the one's endorsed by Pavel. Check them out here: Safety First I’ve mentioned this before, but it is important that you consult your physician before implementing any physical fitness program. Even though the kettlebell is relatively “light”, if done improperly you can sustain injury. It is also important that you warm-up properly before any of the workouts which are provided in this book. Take it slow in the beginning and learn the basics. 40

  41. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Footwear When using a Kettlebell it is important that your feet are flat and in contact with the floor at all times. You shouldn’t wear “running” shoes with the heel raised. This will cause you to not stand properly and possibly cause injury. You can wear minimalist shoes or simply go barefoot to save a few bucks. Practice Makes Perfect I understand that you are eager to begin training, and I appreciate you finally want to work to achieve the body you deserve. However, for the first week, all I want you to do is review the accompanying videos, and I really want you to practice the kettlebell swing. The swing is the most important move that even I still practice, and I’m not looking for perfection, but maintain proper form when executing the movement. In the next chapter you will find my recommended Kettlebell workout routine. This comes complete with illustrations and instructions for completing each day’s workout. 41

  42. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Kettlebell Workout Routine Regardless if you’ve used a kettlebell or not, make sure that you select a weight you can safely move without injury. Kettlebells are a very effective tool to get in shape, but need to be treated with respect. This workout works, and after 8 weeks with a proper diet and rest, you will see results. Ensure you get your physicians approval before starting any exercise program. The workout is designed to be done 4 days per week. I suggest Mon/Tues with Wednesday as a rest day and then Thursday/Friday. Obviously, life happens. Try to stick to the plan as best as you can. Below I give you the outline for each workout followed by more detailed instructions. Front Plank Starting Position for Front Plank 42

  43. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book The starting position is on your hands and knees with the back flat. Contract the abdominal muscles. Without rotating the trunk or sagging or arching the spine, elevate yourself into the push up position with your weight on your forearms and toes. Keep your head up looking forward. The goal is to hold this position for 60 seconds. If you cannot hold for 1 minute, then repeat until 1 minute has elapsed. Continue to breathe when conducting this exercise. THE HIP FLEXOR STRETCH 43

  44. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Movement: 1.Start with left knee on the ground, and right leg up with both arms over head. 2.Hold for approximately 10 seconds. 3.Switch to the other side and hold for 10 seconds. Note: This warm-up exercise promotes stretching out the core, hip flexors, back, quadriceps, lats, and is just an overall great stretch to loosen up. This is perhaps the best overall stretch you can do before any physical event. PUSH-UP I realize most people think they know how to perform a push-up. Movement: 1.Bend the elbows, lowering your body until your upper arms are parallel with the ground. 2.Fully extend your arms so that your elbows are “locked” out. The key is to fully extend in the up position with your arms locked out. Secondly, make sure that when you are in the down position your arms 44

  45. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book are parallel to the ground. Don’t think fast here, do them slow and controlled for full effect of this movement. Variation: If you are unable to perform a push-up as illustrated, assume a stance on yourknees to perform them correctly. This is a natural progression. KETTLEBELL SWING Movement: 1.Squat down with your back straight and lift up the weight. Don’t confuse this with a vertical back, simply keep it straight. Don’t round your back. 2.Squat up and stand erect with your shoulders back. 3.Think sit back rather than dip down. 4.Ensure that your hips are extended as well as your knees at the top with your body in a straight line. 5.For the Russian style swing illustrated here the bell should never go above parallel. 45

  46. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book 6.Ensure that you are either barefoot or wearing a minimalist shoe so that you are flat footed. Precautions: Work with light weight initially until you can perform the movement correctly. TURKISH GET-UP 46

  47. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Movement: 1.Use both of your hands while in a fetal position to lift the kettlebell from the ground at the start of the movement and at the completion of the movement. 47

  48. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book 2.Next you want to set the foot and hand. Notice that the arm on the kettlebell side is vertical with a straight wrist. The knee on the side of the kettlebell is bent to prepare you for eventually standing up. Both the lats and your core are engaged and ready for work. The arm opposite the kettlebell is positioned 45 degrees and your opposite leg is straight. 3.Lock your elbow and keep it locked for the duration of the movement. 4.Keep your shoulder in a “packed” position at all times during the movement. 5.Get up smoothly and slowly and concentrate on each position. 6.This is not an exercise performed rapidly. Precaution: This looks deceivingly easy. Use a very light weight (5lbs) or even a sneaker until you hit each position. In my Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification course, we used the sneaker. I highly suggest the sneaker. Deadlift 48

  49. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Movement: 1.Straddle the bell with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width. 2.Squat down with arms extended downward between your legs and grab the bell’s handle with both hands. 3.Ensure that your shoulders are over the bell and keep your back straight. 4.Pull the bell off the floor by extending your hips and knees ensuring your chest is up. 5.Lower the bell while squatting down and keeping your back taunt with a vertical back. Precaution: Ensure you do not round your back. Ensure you can do an air squat with no weight properly before adding any weight. SNATCH 49

  50. The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book Movement: 1.Begin with the Russian Style swing. 2.Catch the bell softly without “banging” the bell on your wrist. 3.You can do this by “punching” to the top of the movement. 4.When you lock out at the top, your arm should be level with your head. 5.Lower the bell down to complete a swing and repeat as needed. Precaution: Keep back straight, work with a weight you can safely control. Learning the Rack: I was shown this by a trainer about 5 years ago when I first started using kettlebells. I suggest you practice this so you learn the movement. It will help with the Rack and the Clean. 50

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